local mm = require "core.modulemanager"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local jid_host, jid_prep = import("util.jid", "host", "prep"); local invite_to_room = assert(jid_prep(module:get_option_string(module.name)), "The option " .. module.name .. " must be set"); local inviter = module:get_option_string(module.name .. "_inviter", module.host); local invite_reason = module:get_option_string(module.name .. "_reason"); module:hook("user-registered", function (event) local user_jid = event.username .. "@" .. event.host; local muc = mm.get_module(jid_host(invite_to_room), "muc"); if not muc then module:log("error", "There is no MUC service '%s'", jid_host(invite_to_room)); return; end local room = muc.get_room_from_jid(invite_to_room); if room then room:set_affiliation(true, user_jid, "member", invite_reason, { reserved_nickname = event.username }); -- Invite them to the room too module:send(st.message({ from = inviter, to = user_jid }) :tag("x", { xmlns = "jabber:x:conference", jid = invite_to_room, reason = invite_reason }):up()); else module:log("error", "The room %s does not exist, can't invite newly registered user", invite_to_room); end end);