local jid = require "util.jid"; local jid_bare, jid_host = jid.bare, jid.host; local set = require "util.set"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local stanza_types = set.new{"message", "presence", "iq"}; local jid_types = set.new{"bare", "full", "host"}; local except_domains = module:get_option_inherited_set("isolate_except_domains", {}); local except_users = module:get_option_inherited_set("isolate_except_users", {}); if not module.may then module:depends("compat_roles"); end function check_stanza(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; if origin.no_host_isolation then return; end local to_host = jid_host(event.stanza.attr.to); if to_host and to_host ~= origin.host and not except_domains:contains(to_host) then if to_host:match("^[^.]+%.(.+)$") == origin.host then -- Permit subdomains except_domains:add(to_host); return; end if origin.type == "local" then -- this is code-generated, which means that set_session_isolation_flag has never triggered. -- we need to check explicitly. if not is_jid_isolated(jid_bare(event.stanza.attr.from)) then module:log("debug", "server-generated stanza from %s is allowed, as the jid is not isolated", event.stanza.attr.from); return; end end module:log("warn", "Forbidding stanza from %s to %s", stanza.attr.from or origin.full_jid, stanza.attr.to); origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "auth", "forbidden", "Communication with "..to_host.." is not available")); return true; end end for stanza_type in stanza_types do for jid_type in jid_types do module:hook("pre-"..stanza_type.."/"..jid_type, check_stanza, 1); end end module:default_permission("prosody:admin", "xmpp:federate"); function is_jid_isolated(bare_jid) if module:may("xmpp:federate", bare_jid) or except_users:contains(bare_jid) then return false; else return true; end end function set_session_isolation_flag(event) local session = event.session; local bare_jid = jid_bare(session.full_jid); if not is_jid_isolated(bare_jid) then session.no_host_isolation = true; end module:log("debug", "%s is %sisolated", session.full_jid or "[?]", session.no_host_isolation and "" or "not "); end module:hook("resource-bind", set_session_isolation_flag);