local usermanager = require "core.usermanager"; local json = require "util.json"; module:depends("http"); local invites = module:depends("invites"); local tokens = module:depends("tokenauth"); local mod_pep = module:depends("pep"); local json_content_type = "application/json"; local www_authenticate_header = ("Bearer realm=%q"):format(module.host.."/"..module.name); local function check_credentials(request) local auth_type, auth_data = string.match(request.headers.authorization or "", "^(%S+)%s(.+)$"); if not (auth_type and auth_data) then return false; end if auth_type == "Bearer" then local token_info = tokens.get_token_info(auth_data); if not token_info or not token_info.session then return false; end return token_info.session; end return nil; end function check_auth(routes) local function check_request_auth(event) local session = check_credentials(event.request); if not session then event.response.headers.authorization = www_authenticate_header; return false, 401; elseif session.auth_scope ~= "prosody:scope:admin" then return false, 403; end event.session = session; return true; end for route, handler in pairs(routes) do routes[route] = function (event, ...) local permit, code = check_request_auth(event); if not permit then return code; end return handler(event, ...); end; end return routes; end local function token_info_to_invite_info(token_info) return { id = token_info.token; type = token_info.type; inviter = token_info.inviter; jid = token_info.jid; landing_page = token_info.landing_page; created_at = token_info.created_at; expires = token_info.expires; }; end function list_invites(event) local invites_list = {}; for token, invite in invites.pending_account_invites() do --luacheck: ignore 213/token table.insert(invites_list, token_info_to_invite_info(invite)); end table.sort(invites_list, function (a, b) return a.created_at < b.created_at; end); event.response.headers["Content-Type"] = json_content_type; return json.encode(invites_list); end function get_invite_by_id(event, invite_id) local invite = invites.get_account_invite_info(invite_id); if not invite then return 404; end event.response.headers["Content-Type"] = json_content_type; return json.encode(token_info_to_invite_info(invite)); end function create_invite(event) local invite = invites.create_account(nil, { source = "admin_api/"..event.session.username }); if not invite then return 500; end event.response.headers["Content-Type"] = json_content_type; return json.encode(token_info_to_invite_info(invite)); end function delete_invite(event, invite_id) --luacheck: ignore 212/event if not invites.delete_account_invite(invite_id) then return 404; end return 200; end local function get_user_info(username) if not usermanager.user_exists(username, module.host) then return nil; end local display_name; do local pep_service = mod_pep.get_pep_service(username); local ok, _, nick_item = pep_service:get_last_item("http://jabber.org/protocol/nick", true); if ok and nick_item then display_name = nick_item:get_child_text("nick", "http://jabber.org/protocol/nick"); end end return { username = username; display_name = display_name; }; end function list_users(event) local user_list = {}; for username in usermanager.users(module.host) do table.insert(user_list, get_user_info(username)); end event.response.headers["Content-Type"] = json_content_type; return json.encode(user_list); end function get_user_by_name(event, username) local user_info = get_user_info(username); if not user_info then return 404; end event.response.headers["Content-Type"] = json_content_type; return json.encode(user_info); end function delete_user(event, username) --luacheck: ignore 212/event if not usermanager.delete_user(username, module.host) then return 404; end return 200; end module:provides("http", { route = check_auth { ["GET /invites"] = list_invites; ["GET /invites/*"] = get_invite_by_id; ["PUT /invites"] = create_invite; ["DELETE /invites/*"] = delete_invite; ["GET /users"] = list_users; ["GET /users/*"] = get_user_by_name; ["DELETE /users/*"] = delete_user; }; });