-- vim:sts=4 sw=4 -- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Matthew Wild -- Copyright (C) 2008-2010 Waqas Hussain -- Copyright (C) 2012 Rob Hoelz -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- ---------------------------------------- -- Constants and such -- ---------------------------------------- local setmetatable = setmetatable; local ldap = module:require 'ldap'; local vcardlib = module:require 'ldap/vcard'; local st = require 'util.stanza'; local gettime = require 'socket'.gettime; if not ldap then return; end local CACHE_EXPIRY = 300; local params = module:get_option('ldap'); ---------------------------------------- -- Utility Functions -- ---------------------------------------- local function ldap_record_to_vcard(record) return vcardlib.create { record = record, format = params.vcard_format, } end local get_alias_for_user; do local user_cache; local last_fetch_time; local function populate_user_cache() local ld = ldap.getconnection(); local usernamefield = params.user.usernamefield; local namefield = params.user.namefield; user_cache = {}; for _, attrs in ld:search { base = params.user.basedn, scope = 'onelevel', filter = params.user.filter } do user_cache[attrs[usernamefield]] = attrs[namefield]; end last_fetch_time = gettime(); end function get_alias_for_user(user) if last_fetch_time and last_fetch_time + CACHE_EXPIRY < gettime() then user_cache = nil; end if not user_cache then populate_user_cache(); end return user_cache[user]; end end ---------------------------------------- -- General Setup -- ---------------------------------------- local ldap_store = {}; ldap_store.__index = ldap_store; local adapters = { roster = {}, vcard = {}, } for k, v in pairs(adapters) do setmetatable(v, ldap_store); v.__index = v; v.name = k; end function ldap_store:get(username) return nil, "get method unimplemented on store '" .. tostring(self.name) .. "'" end function ldap_store:set(username, data) return nil, "LDAP storage is currently read-only"; end ---------------------------------------- -- Roster Storage Implementation -- ---------------------------------------- function adapters.roster:get(username) local ld = ldap.getconnection(); local contacts = {}; local memberfield = params.groups.memberfield; local namefield = params.groups.namefield; local filter = memberfield .. '=' .. tostring(username); local groups = {}; for _, config in ipairs(params.groups) do groups[ config[namefield] ] = config.name; end -- XXX this kind of relies on the way we do groups at INOC for _, attrs in ld:search { base = params.groups.basedn, scope = 'onelevel', filter = filter } do if groups[ attrs[namefield] ] then local members = attrs[memberfield]; for _, user in ipairs(members) do if user ~= username then local jid = user .. '@' .. module.host; local record = contacts[jid]; if not record then record = { subscription = 'both', groups = {}, name = get_alias_for_user(user), }; contacts[jid] = record; end record.groups[ groups[ attrs[namefield] ] ] = true; end end end end return contacts; end ---------------------------------------- -- vCard Storage Implementation -- ---------------------------------------- function adapters.vcard:get(username) if not params.vcard_format then return nil, ''; end local ld = ldap.getconnection(); local filter = params.user.usernamefield .. '=' .. tostring(username); local match = ldap.singlematch { base = params.user.basedn, filter = filter, }; if match then match.jid = username .. '@' .. module.host return st.preserialize(ldap_record_to_vcard(match)); else return nil, 'not found'; end end ---------------------------------------- -- Driver Definition -- ---------------------------------------- local driver = { name = "ldap" }; function driver:open(store, typ) local adapter = adapters[store]; if adapter and not typ then return adapter; end return nil, "unsupported-store"; end module:add_item("data-driver", driver);