local captcha_options = module:get_option("captcha_options", {}); local nodeprep = require "util.encodings".stringprep.nodeprep; local usermanager = require "core.usermanager"; local datamanager = require "util.datamanager"; local http = require "net.http"; local path_sep = package.config:sub(1,1); local json = require "util.json".decode; local t_concat = table.concat; pcall(function () module:depends("register_limits"); end); module:depends"http"; local extra_fields = { nick = true; name = true; first = true; last = true; email = true; address = true; city = true; state = true; zip = true; phone = true; url = true; date = true; } local template_path = module:get_option_string("register_web_template", "templates"); function template(data) -- Like util.template, but deals with plain text return { apply = function(values) return (data:gsub("{([^}]+)}", values)); end } end local function get_template(name) local fh = assert(module:load_resource(template_path..path_sep..name..".html")); local data = assert(fh:read("*a")); fh:close(); return template(data); end local function render(template, data) return tostring(template.apply(data)); end local register_tpl = get_template "register"; local success_tpl = get_template "success"; if next(captcha_options) ~= nil then local recaptcha_tpl = get_template "recaptcha"; function generate_captcha(display_options) return recaptcha_tpl.apply(setmetatable({ recaptcha_display_error = display_options and display_options.recaptcha_error and ("&error="..display_options.recaptcha_error) or ""; }, { __index = function (_, k) if captcha_options[k] then return captcha_options[k]; end module:log("error", "Missing parameter from captcha_options: %s", k); end })); end function verify_captcha(request, form, callback) http.request("https://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/siteverify", { body = http.formencode { secret = captcha_options.recaptcha_private_key; remoteip = request.conn:ip(); response = form["g-recaptcha-response"]; }; }, function (verify_result, code) local result = json(verify_result); if not result then module:log("warn", "Unable to decode response from recaptcha: [%d] %s", code, verify_result); callback(false, "Captcha API error"); elseif result.success == true then callback(true); else callback(false, t_concat(result["error-codes"])); end end); end else module:log("debug", "No Recaptcha options set, using fallback captcha") local random = math.random; local hmac_sha1 = require "util.hashes".hmac_sha1; local secret = require "util.uuid".generate() local ops = { '+', '-' }; local captcha_tpl = get_template "simplecaptcha"; function generate_captcha() local op = ops[random(1, #ops)]; local x, y = random(1, 9) repeat y = random(1, 9); until x ~= y; local answer; if op == '+' then answer = x + y; elseif op == '-' then if x < y then -- Avoid negative numbers x, y = y, x; end answer = x - y; end local challenge = hmac_sha1(secret, answer, true); return captcha_tpl.apply { op = op, x = x, y = y, challenge = challenge; }; end function verify_captcha(request, form, callback) if hmac_sha1(secret, form.captcha_reply or "", true) == form.captcha_challenge then callback(true); else callback(false, "Captcha verification failed"); end end end function generate_page(event, display_options) local request, response = event.request, event.response; response.headers.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; return render(register_tpl, { path = request.path; hostname = module.host; notice = display_options and display_options.register_error or ""; captcha = generate_captcha(display_options); }) end function register_user(form, origin) local username = form.username; local password = form.password; local confirm_password = form.confirm_password; local jid = nil; form.username, form.password, form.confirm_password = nil, nil, nil; local prepped_username = nodeprep(username); if not prepped_username then return nil, "Username contains forbidden characters"; end if #prepped_username == 0 then return nil, "The username field was empty"; end if usermanager.user_exists(prepped_username, module.host) then return nil, "Username already taken"; end local registering = { username = prepped_username , host = module.host, additional = form, ip = origin.conn:ip(), allowed = true } module:fire_event("user-registering", registering); if not registering.allowed then return nil, registering.reason or "Registration not allowed"; end if confirm_password ~= password then return nil, "Passwords don't match"; end local ok, err = usermanager.create_user(prepped_username, password, module.host); if ok then jid = prepped_username.."@"..module.host local extra_data = {}; for field in pairs(extra_fields) do local field_value = form[field]; if field_value and #field_value > 0 then extra_data[field] = field_value; end end if next(extra_data) ~= nil then datamanager.store(prepped_username, module.host, "account_details", extra_data); end module:fire_event("user-registered", { username = prepped_username, host = module.host, source = module.name, ip = origin.conn:ip(), }); end return jid, err; end function generate_success(event, jid) return render(success_tpl, { jid = jid }); end function generate_register_response(event, jid, err) event.response.headers.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; if jid then return generate_success(event, jid); else return generate_page(event, { register_error = err }); end end function handle_form(event) local request, response = event.request, event.response; local form = http.formdecode(request.body); verify_captcha(request, form, function (ok, err) if ok then local jid, register_err = register_user(form, request); response:send(generate_register_response(event, jid, register_err)); else response:send(generate_page(event, { register_error = err })); end end); return true; -- Leave connection open until we respond above end module:provides("http", { route = { GET = generate_page; ["GET /"] = generate_page; POST = handle_form; ["POST /"] = handle_form; }; });