local st = require "util.stanza"; local new_throttle = require "util.throttle".create; local period = math.max(module:get_option_number("muc_event_rate", 0.5), 0); local burst = math.max(module:get_option_number("muc_burst_factor", 6), 1); local function handle_stanza(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; if stanza.name == "presence" and stanza.attr.type == "unavailable" then -- Don't limit room leaving return; end local dest_room, dest_host, dest_nick = jid.split(stanza.attr.to); local room = hosts[module.host].modules.muc.rooms[dest_room.."@"..dest_host]; if not room then return; end local from_jid = stanza.attr.from; local occupant = room._occupants[room._jid_nick[from_jid]]; if occupant and occupant.affiliation then module:log("debug", "Skipping stanza from affiliated user..."); return; end local throttle = room.throttle; if not room.throttle then throttle = new_throttle(period*burst, burst); room.throttle = throttle; end if not throttle:poll(1) then module:log("warn", "Dropping stanza for %s@%s from %s, over rate limit", dest_room, dest_host, from_jid); origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "wait", "policy-violation", "The room is currently overactive, please try again later")); return true; end end module:hook("message/bare", handle_stanza, 10); module:hook("message/full", handle_stanza, 10); module:hook("presence/bare", handle_stanza, 10); module:hook("presence/full", handle_stanza, 10);