local json = require "util.json"; local array = require "util.array"; local add_task = require "util.timer".add_task; local get_stats = require "core.statsmanager".get_stats; local list_users = require "core.usermanager".users; local os_time = os.time; module:depends("http"); module:depends("lastlog"); local expose_posts = module:get_option_boolean("nodeinfo2_expose_posts", true); if expose_posts then module:depends("measure_message_e2ee"); end local main_store = module:open_store(); local lastlog_store = module:open_store("lastlog"); local data; if expose_posts then data = main_store:get("nodeinfo2") or { message_count = 0 }; end local total_users = 0; local week_users = 0; local month_users = 0; local half_year_users = 0; local function update_user_list() for user in list_users(module.host) do total_users = total_users + 1; local lastlog = lastlog_store:get(user); if lastlog and lastlog.timestamp then local delta = os_time() - lastlog.timestamp; if delta < 7 * 86400 then week_users = week_users + 1; end if delta < 30 * 86400 then month_users = month_users + 1; end if delta < 6 * 30 * 86400 then half_year_users = half_year_users + 1; end end end -- Remove the properties if we couldn’t find a single active user. It most likely means mod_lastlog isn’t in use. if half_year_users == 0 and month_users == 0 and week_users == 0 then week_users = nil; month_users = nil; half_year_users = nil; end end add_task(86400, update_user_list); update_user_list(); module:provides("http", { default_path = "/.well-known/x-nodeinfo2"; route = { GET = function (event) local usage = { users = { total = total_users; activeWeek = week_users; activeMonth = month_users; activeHalfyear = half_year_users; }; }; if expose_posts then local stats, changed_only, extras = get_stats(); for stat, _ in pairs(stats) do if stat == "/"..module.host.."/mod_measure_message_e2ee/message:rate" then local new_message_count = extras[stat].total; if new_message_count ~= data.message_count then data = { message_count = new_message_count }; main_store:set("nodeinfo2", data); end end end usage.localPosts = data.message_count; -- TODO: also count PubSub replies here. usage.localComments = 0; end event.response.headers.content_type = "application/json"; return json.encode({ version = "1.0"; server = { baseUrl = module:http_url("","/"); name = module.host; software = "Prosody"; version = prosody.version; }; --[[ TODO re-use data from mod_server_contact_info ? organization = { name = ""; contact = ""; account = ""; }; --]] protocols = array { "xmpp", }; --[[ TODO would be cool to identify local transports services = { inbound = array { "irc"; }; outbound = array { }; }; --]] openRegistrations = module:get_option_boolean("allow_registration", false); usage = usage; }); end; } });