local st = require "util.stanza"; local jid_bare = import("util.jid", "bare"); local mod_muc = module:depends"muc"; local rooms = rawget(mod_muc, "rooms"); if not rooms then module:log("warn", "mod_%s is compatible with Prosody up to 0.10.x", module.name); return; end module:hook("iq/full", function (event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; if stanza.attr.type ~= "get" or not stanza:get_child("ping", "urn:xmpp:ping") then return; end local from = stanza.attr.from; local room_nick = stanza.attr.to; local room_jid = jid_bare(room_nick); local room = rooms[room_jid]; if not room then return; end if room._jid_nick[from] == room_nick then origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); return true; end end); module:hook("muc-disco#info", function(event) event.reply:tag("feature", {var="urn:xmpp:ping"}):up(); end);