module:depends("http"); local jid_split = require "util.jid".prepped_split; local function require_resource(name) local icon_path = module:get_option_string("presence_icons", "icons"); local f, err = module:load_resource(icon_path.."/"; if f then return f:read("*a"); end module:log("warn", "Failed to open image file %s",; return ""; end local statuses = { online = {}, away = {}, xa = {}, dnd = {}, chat = {}, offline = {} }; for status, _ in pairs(statuses) do statuses[status].image = { status_code = 200, headers = { content_type = "image/png" }, body = require_resource("status_"..status..".png") }; statuses[status].text = { status_code = 200, headers = { content_type = "plain/text" }, body = status }; end local function handle_request(event, path) local status; local jid, type = path:match("([^/]+)/?(.*)$"); if jid then local user, host = jid_split(jid); if host and not user then user, host = host,; if host then host = host:gsub(":%d+$", ""); end end if user and host then local user_sessions = hosts[host] and hosts[host].sessions[user]; if user_sessions then status = user_sessions.top_resources[1]; if status and status.presence then status = status.presence:child_with_name("show"); if not status then status = "online"; else status = status:get_text(); end end end end end status = status or "offline"; return (type and type == "text") and statuses[status].text or statuses[status].image; end module:provides("http", { default_path = "/status"; route = { ["GET /*"] = handle_request; }; });