local jid = require "util.jid"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local quick_response_ns = "urn:xmpp:tmp:quick-response"; local welcome_message = module:get_option_string("tos_welcome_message"); local yes_message = module:get_option_string("tos_yes_message"); local no_message = module:get_option_string("tos_no_message"); module:hook("muc-occupant-session-new", function(event) local origin = event.origin; local room = event.room; local occupant = event.occupant; local nick = occupant.nick; module:log("debug", "%s joined %s (%s)", nick, room, origin); if occupant.role == "visitor" then local message = st.message({ type = "groupchat", to = occupant.nick, from = room.jid, id = "foo", ["xml:lang"] = "en", }, welcome_message) :tag("response", { xmlns = quick_response_ns, value = "yes", label = "I accept." }):up() :tag("response", { xmlns = quick_response_ns, value = "no", label = "I decline." }):up(); origin.send(message); end end, 19); module:hook("muc-occupant-groupchat", function(event) local occupant = event.occupant; if occupant == nil or occupant.role ~= "visitor" then return; end local origin = event.origin; local room = event.room; local stanza = event.stanza; -- Namespace must be nil instead of "jabber:client" here. local body = stanza:get_child_text("body", nil); module:log("debug", "%s replied %s", occupant.nick, body); if body == "yes" then room:set_affiliation(true, occupant.bare_jid, "member", "Agreed to the TOS."); origin.send(st.reply(stanza):body(yes_message, { ["xml:lang"] = "en" })); elseif body == "no" then origin.send(st.reply(stanza):body(no_message, { ["xml:lang"] = "en" })); room:set_role(true, occupant.nick, "none", "Declined the TOS."); end end, 51); -- Priority must be > 50, is sent at this priority.