local jid_split = require "util.jid".prepped_split; local json = require "util.json"; module:depends("http"); local authorization = assert( module:get_option_string("http_muc_kick_authorization_header", nil), "http_muc_kick_authorization_header setting is missing, please add it to the Prosody config before using mod_http_muc_kick" ); local function is_authorized(request) return request.headers.authorization == authorization; end local function check_muc(jid) local muc_node, host = jid_split(jid); if not hosts[host] then return nil, nil, "No such host: "..host; elseif not hosts[host].modules.muc then return nil, nil, "Host '"..host.."' is not a MUC service"; end return muc_node, host; end local function get_muc(muc_jid) local muc_node, host, err = check_muc(muc_jid); if not muc_node then return nil, host, err; end muc = prosody.hosts[host].modules.muc.get_room_from_jid(muc_jid); if not muc then return nil, host, "No MUC '"..muc_node.."' found for host: "..host; end return muc; end local function handle_error(response, status_code, error) response.headers.content_type = "application/json"; response.status_code = status_code; response:send(json.encode({error = error})); -- return true to keep the connection open, and prevent other handlers from executing. -- https://prosody.im/doc/developers/http#return_value return true; end module:provides("http", { route = { ["POST"] = function (event) local request, response = event.request, event.response; if not is_authorized(request) then return handle_error(response, 401, "Authorization failed"); end local body = json.decode(request.body or "") or {}; if not body then return handle_error(response, 400, "JSON body not found"); end local nickname, muc_jid, reason = body.nickname, body.muc, body.reason or ""; if not nickname or not muc_jid then return handle_error(response, 400, "Missing nickname and/or MUC"); end local muc, _, err = get_muc(muc_jid); if not muc then return handle_error(response, 404, "MUC not found: " .. err); end local occupant_jid = muc.jid .. "/" .. nickname; -- Kick user by giving them the "none" role -- https://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0045.html#kick local success, error, condition = muc:set_role(true, occupant_jid, nil, reason); if not success then return handle_error(response, 400, "Couldn't kick user: ".. error .. ": " .. condition); end -- Kick was successful return 200; end; }; });