local modulemanager = require "core.modulemanager"; local usermanager = require "core.usermanager"; local id = require "util.id"; local jid = require "util.jid"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local strict = module:get_option_boolean("enforce_client_ids", false); local tokenauth = module:depends("tokenauth"); local mod_fast = module:depends("sasl2_fast"); local client_store = assert(module:open_store("clients", "keyval+")); --[[{ id = id; first_seen = last_seen = user_agent = { name = os = } --}]] local xmlns_sasl2 = "urn:xmpp:sasl:2"; local function get_user_agent(sasl_handler, token_info) local sasl_agent = sasl_handler and sasl_handler.user_agent; local token_agent = token_info and token_info.data and token_info.data.oauth2_client; if not (sasl_agent or token_agent) then return; end return { software = sasl_agent and sasl_agent.software or token_agent and token_agent.name or nil; uri = token_agent and token_agent.uri or nil; device = sasl_agent and sasl_agent.device or nil; }; end module:hook("sasl2/c2s/success", function (event) local session = event.session; local username, client_id = session.username, session.client_id; local mechanism = session.sasl_handler.selected; local token_info = session.sasl_handler.token_info; local token_id = token_info and token_info.id or nil; local now = os.time(); if client_id then -- SASL2, have client identifier local is_new_client; local client_state = client_store:get_key(username, client_id); if not client_state then is_new_client = true; client_state = { id = client_id; first_seen = now; user_agent = get_user_agent(session.sasl_handler, token_info); full_jid = nil; last_seen = nil; mechanisms = {}; }; end -- Update state client_state.full_jid = session.full_jid; client_state.last_seen = now; client_state.mechanisms[mechanism] = now; if session.sasl_handler.fast_auth then client_state.fast_auth = now; end if token_id then client_state.auth_token_id = token_id; end -- Store updated state client_store:set_key(username, client_id, client_state); if is_new_client then module:fire_event("client_management/new-client", { client = client_state }); end end end); local function find_client_by_resource(username, resource) local full_jid = jid.join(username, module.host, resource); local clients = client_store:get(username); if not clients then return; end for _, client_state in pairs(clients) do if client_state.full_jid == full_jid then return client_state; end end end module:hook("resource-bind", function (event) local session = event.session; if session.client_id then return; end local is_new_client; local client_state = find_client_by_resource(event.session.username, event.session.resource); local now = os.time(); if not client_state then is_new_client = true; client_state = { id = id.short(); first_seen = now; user_agent = nil; full_jid = nil; last_seen = nil; mechanisms = {}; legacy = true; }; end -- Update state local legacy_info = session.client_management_info; client_state.full_jid = session.full_jid; client_state.last_seen = now; client_state.mechanisms[legacy_info.mechanism] = now; if legacy_info.fast_auth then client_state.fast_auth = now; end local token_id = legacy_info.token_info and legacy_info.token_info.id; if token_id then client_state.auth_token_id = token_id; end -- Store updated state client_store:set_key(session.username, client_state.id, client_state); if is_new_client then module:fire_event("client_management/new-client", { client = client_state }); end end); if strict then module:hook_tag(xmlns_sasl2, "authenticate", function (session, auth) local user_agent = auth:get_child("user-agent"); if not user_agent or not user_agent.attr.id then local failure = st.stanza("failure", { xmlns = xmlns_sasl2 }) :tag("malformed-request", { xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl" }):up() :text_tag("text", "Client identifier required but not supplied"); session.send(failure); return true; end end, 500); if modulemanager.get_modules_for_host(module.host):contains("saslauth") then module:log("error", "mod_saslauth is enabled, but enforce_client_ids is enabled and will prevent it from working"); end module:hook("stanza/urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl:auth", function (event) -- Block legacy SASL, if for some reason it is being used (either mod_saslauth is loaded, -- or clients try it without advertisement) module:log("warn", "Blocking legacy SASL authentication because enforce_client_ids is enabled"); local failure = st.stanza("failure", { xmlns = xmlns_sasl2 }) :tag("malformed-request", { xmlns = "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-sasl" }):up() :text_tag("text", "Legacy SASL authentication is not available on this server"); event.session.send(failure); return true; end); else -- Legacy client compat code module:hook("authentication-success", function (event) local session = event.session; if session.client_id then return; end -- SASL2 client local sasl_handler = session.sasl_handler; session.client_management_info = { mechanism = sasl_handler.selected; token_info = sasl_handler.token_info; fast_auth = sasl_handler.fast_auth; }; end); end local function is_password_mechanism(mech_name) if mech_name == "OAUTHBEARER" then return false; end if mech_name:match("^HT%-") then return false; end return true; end local function is_client_active(client) local username, host = jid.split(client.full_jid); local account_info = usermanager.get_account_info(username, host); local last_password_change = account_info and account_info.password_updated; local status = {}; -- Check for an active token grant that has been previously used by this client if client.auth_token_id then local grant = tokenauth.get_grant_info(client.auth_token_id); if grant then status.active_grant = grant; end end -- Check for active FAST tokens if client.fast_auth then if mod_fast.is_client_fast(username, client.id, last_password_change) then status.active_fast = client.fast_auth; end end -- Client has access if any password-based SASL mechanisms have been used since last password change for mech, mech_last_used in pairs(client.mechanisms) do if is_password_mechanism(mech) and mech_last_used >= last_password_change then status.active_password = mech_last_used; end end if prosody.full_sessions[client.full_jid] then status.active_connected = true; end if next(status) == nil then return nil; end return status; end -- Public API --luacheck: ignore 131 function get_active_clients(username) local clients = client_store:get(username); local active_clients = {}; local used_grants = {}; -- Go through known clients, check whether they could possibly log in for client_id, client in pairs(clients or {}) do --luacheck: ignore 213/client_id local active = is_client_active(client); if active then client.type = "session"; client.active = active; table.insert(active_clients, client); if active.active_grant then used_grants[active.active_grant.id] = true; end end end -- Next, account for any grants that have been issued, but never actually logged in for grant_id, grant in pairs(tokenauth.get_user_grants(username) or {}) do if not used_grants[grant_id] then -- exclude grants already accounted for table.insert(active_clients, { id = grant_id; type = "access"; first_seen = grant.created; last_seen = grant.accessed; active = { active_grant = grant; }; user_agent = get_user_agent(nil, grant); }); end end table.sort(active_clients, function (a, b) if a.last_seen and b.last_seen then return a.last_seen < b.last_seen; elseif not (a.last_seen or b.last_seen) then if a.first_seen and b.first_seen then return a.first_seen < b.first_seen; end elseif b.last_seen then return true; elseif a.last_seen then return false; end return a.id < b.id; end); return active_clients; end