local it = require "util.iterators"; local new_id = require "util.id".medium; local max_user_devices = module:get_option_number("max_user_devices", 5); local device_store = module:open_store("devices"); local device_map_store = module:open_store("devices", "map"); --- Helper functions local function _compare_device_timestamps(a, b) return (a.last_activity_at or 0) < (b.last_activity_at or 0); end local function sorted_devices(devices) return it.sorted_pairs(devices, _compare_device_timestamps); end local function new_device(username, alt_ids) local current_time = os.time(); local device = { id = "dv-"..new_id(); created_at = current_time; last_activity = "created"; last_activity_at = current_time; alt_ids = alt_ids or {}; }; local devices = device_store:get(username); if not devices then devices = {}; end devices[device.id] = device; local devices_ordered = {}; for id in sorted_devices(devices) do table.insert(devices_ordered, id); end if #devices_ordered > max_user_devices then -- Iterate through oldest devices that are above limit, backwards for i = #devices_ordered, max_user_devices+1, -1 do local id = table.remove(devices_ordered, i); devices[id] = nil; module:log("debug", "Removing old device for %s: %s", username, id); end end device_store:set(username, devices); return device; end local function get_device_with_alt_id(username, alt_id_type, alt_id) local devices = device_store:get(username); if not devices then return nil; end for _, device in pairs(devices) do if device.alt_ids[alt_id_type] == alt_id then return device; end end end local function set_device_alt_id(username, device_id, alt_id_type, alt_id) local devices = device_store:get(username); if not devices or not devices[device_id] then return nil, "no such device"; end devices[device_id].alt_ids[alt_id_type] = alt_id; end local function record_device_state(username, device_id, activity, time) local device = device_map_store:get(username, device_id); device.last_activity = activity; device.last_activity_at = time or os.time(); device_map_store:set(username, device_id, device); end local function find_device(username, info) for _, alt_id_type in ipairs({ "resumption_token", "resource" }) do local alt_id = info[alt_id_type]; if alt_id then local device = get_device_with_alt_id(username, alt_id_type, alt_id); if device then return device, alt_id_type; end end end end --- Information gathering module:hook("pre-resource-bind", function (event) event.session.device_requested_resource = event.resource; end, 1000); local function store_resumption_token(session, stanza) session.device_requested_resume = stanza.attr.previd; end module:hook_stanza("urn:xmpp:sm:2", "resume", store_resumption_token, 5); module:hook_stanza("urn:xmpp:sm:3", "resume", store_resumption_token, 5); --- Identify device after resource bind module:hook("resource-bind", function (event) local info = { resource = event.session.device_requested_resource; resumption_token = event.session.device_requested_resume; }; local device, source = find_device(event.session.username, info); if device then event.session.log("debug", "Associated with device %s (from %s)", device.id, source); event.session.device_id = device.id; else device = new_device(event.session.username, info); event.session.log("debug", "Creating new device %s for session", device.id); event.session.device_id = device.id; end record_device_state(event.session.username, device.id, "login"); end, 1000); module:hook("resource-unbind", function (event) if event.session.device_id then record_device_state(event.session.username, event.session.device_id, "logout"); end end);