-- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2010 Dai Zhiwei -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local st = require "util.stanza"; local dm = require "util.datamanager"; local jid = require "util.jid"; local datetime = require "util.datetime"; local PREFS_DIR = "archive_prefs"; local ARCHIVE_DIR = "archive"; module:add_feature("urn:xmpp:archive"); module:add_feature("urn:xmpp:archive:auto"); module:add_feature("urn:xmpp:archive:manage"); module:add_feature("urn:xmpp:archive:manual"); module:add_feature("urn:xmpp:archive:pref"); module:add_feature("http://jabber.org/protocol/rsm"); ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Utils ------------------------------------------------------------ local function load_prefs(node, host) return st.deserialize(dm.load(node, host, PREFS_DIR)); end local function store_prefs(data, node, host) dm.store(node, host, PREFS_DIR, st.preserialize(data)); end local function os_time() -- return tostring(os.time(os.date('!*t'))); return datetime.datetime(); end local function date_parse(s) local year, month, day, hour, min, sec = s:match("(....)-?(..)-?(..)T(..):(..):(..)Z"); return os.time({year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, min=min, sec=sec}); end local function store_msg(msg, node, host, isfrom) local body = msg:child_with_name("body"); local thread = msg:child_with_name("thread"); local data = dm.list_load(node, host, ARCHIVE_DIR); local tag = (isfrom and "from") or "to"; if data then for k, v in ipairs(data) do local collection = st.deserialize(v); if collection.attr["thread"] == thread:get_text() then -- TODO figure out secs collection:tag(tag, {secs='1', utc=os_time()}):add_child(body); local ver = tonumber(collection.attr["version"]) + 1; collection.attr["version"] = tostring(ver); data[k] = collection; dm.list_store(node, host, ARCHIVE_DIR, st.preserialize(data)); return; end end end -- not found, create new collection local utc = os_time(); local collection = st.stanza('chat', {with = isfrom and msg.attr.to or msg.attr.from, start=utc, thread=thread:get_text(), version='0'}); collection:tag(tag, {secs='0', utc=utc}):add_child(body); dm.list_append(node, host, ARCHIVE_DIR, st.preserialize(collection)); end local function save_result(collection) local save = st.stanza('save', {xmlns='urn:xmpp:archive'}); local chat = st.stanza('chat', collection.attr); save:add_child(chat); return save; end local function gen_uid(c) return c.attr["start"] .. c.attr["with"]; end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Preferences ------------------------------------------------------------ local function preferences_handler(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; module:log("debug", "-- Enter preferences_handler()"); module:log("debug", "-- pref:\n%s", tostring(stanza)); if stanza.attr.type == "get" then local data = load_prefs(origin.username, origin.host); if data then origin.send(st.reply(stanza):add_child(data)); else local reply = st.reply(stanza):tag('pref', {xmlns='urn:xmpp:archive'}); reply:tag('default', {otr='concede', save='false', unset='true'}):up(); reply:tag('method', {type='auto', use='concede'}):up(); reply:tag('method', {type='local', use='concede'}):up(); reply:tag('method', {type='manual', use='concede'}):up(); reply:tag('auto', {save='false'}):up(); origin.send(reply); end elseif stanza.attr.type == "set" then local node, host = origin.username, origin.host; local data = load_prefs(node, host); if not data then data = st.stanza('pref', {xmlns='urn:xmpp:archive'}); data:tag('default', {otr='concede', save='false'}):up(); data:tag('method', {type='auto', use='concede'}):up(); data:tag('method', {type='local', use='concede'}):up(); data:tag('method', {type='manual', use='concede'}):up(); data:tag('auto', {save='false'}):up(); end local elem = stanza.tags[1].tags[1]; -- iq:pref:xxx if not elem then return false end -- "default" | "item" | "session" | "method" elem.attr["xmlns"] = nil; -- TODO why there is an extra xmlns attr? if elem.name == "default" then local setting = data:child_with_name(elem.name) for k, v in pairs(elem.attr) do setting.attr[k] = v; end -- setting.attr["unset"] = nil elseif elem.name == "item" then local found = false; for child in data:children() do -- TODO bare JID or full JID? if child.name == elem.name and child.attr["jid"] == elem.attr["jid"] then for k, v in pairs(elem.attr) do child.attr[k] = v; end found = true; break; end end if not found then data:tag(elem.name, elem.attr):up(); end elseif elem.name == "session" then local found = false; for child in data:children() do if child.name == elem.name and child.attr["thread"] == elem.attr["thread"] then for k, v in pairs(elem.attr) do child.attr[k] = v; end found = true; break; end end if not found then data:tag(elem.name, elem.attr):up(); end elseif elem.name == "method" then local newpref = stanza.tags[1]; -- iq:pref for _, e in ipairs(newpref.tags) do -- if e.name ~= "method" then continue end local found = false; for child in data:children() do if child.name == "method" and child.attr["type"] == e.attr["type"] then child.attr["use"] = e.attr["use"]; found = true; break; end end if not found then data:tag(e.name, e.attr):up(); end end end store_prefs(data, node, host); origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); local user = bare_sessions[node.."@"..host]; local push = st.iq({type="set"}); push = push:tag('pref', {xmlns='urn:xmpp:archive'}); if elem.name == "method" then for child in data:children() do if child.name == "method" then push:add_child(child); end end else push:add_child(elem); end push = push:up(); for _, res in pairs(user and user.sessions or NULL) do -- broadcast to all resources if res.presence then -- to resource push.attr.to = res.full_jid; res.send(push); end end end return true; end local function itemremove_handler(event) -- TODO use 'assert' to check incoming stanza? -- or use pcall() to catch exceptions? local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; if stanza.attr.type ~= "set" then return false; end local elem = stanza.tags[1].tags[1]; if not elem or elem.name ~= "item" then return false; end local node, host = origin.username, origin.host; local data = load_prefs(node, host); if not data then return false; end for i, child in ipairs(data) do if child.name == "item" and child.attr["jid"] == elem.attr["jid"] then table.remove(data, i) break; end end store_prefs(data, node, host); origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); return true; end local function sessionremove_handler(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; if stanza.attr.type ~= "set" then return false; end local elem = stanza.tags[1].tags[1]; if not elem or elem.name ~= "session" then return false; end local node, host = origin.username, origin.host; local data = load_prefs(node, host); if not data then return false; end for i, child in ipairs(data) do if child.name == "session" and child.attr["thread"] == elem.attr["thread"] then table.remove(data, i) break; end end store_prefs(data, node, host); origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); return true; end local function auto_handler(event) -- event.origin.send(st.error_reply(event.stanza, "cancel", "feature-not-implemented")); local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; if stanza.attr.type ~= "set" then return false; end local elem = stanza.tags[1]; local node, host = origin.username, origin.host; local data = load_prefs(node, host); if not data then return false; end local setting = data:child_with_name(elem.name) for k, v in pairs(elem.attr) do setting.attr[k] = v; end store_prefs(data, node, host); origin.send(st.reply(stanza)); return true; end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Manual Archiving ------------------------------------------------------------ local function save_handler(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; if stanza.attr.type ~= "set" then return false; end local elem = stanza.tags[1].tags[1]; if not elem or elem.name ~= "chat" then return false; end local node, host = origin.username, origin.host; local data = dm.list_load(node, host, ARCHIVE_DIR); if data then for k, v in ipairs(data) do local collection = st.deserialize(v); if collection.attr["with"] == elem.attr["with"] and collection.attr["start"] == elem.attr["start"] then -- TODO check if there're duplicates for newchild in elem:children() do if type(newchild) == "table" then if newchild.name == "from" or newchild.name == "to" then collection:add_child(newchild); elseif newchild.name == "note" or newchild.name == "previous" or newchild.name == "next" or newchild.name == "x" then local found = false; for i, c in ipairs(collection) do if c.name == newchild.name then found = true; collection[i] = newchild; break; end end if not found then collection:add_child(newchild); end end end end local ver = tonumber(collection.attr["version"]) + 1; collection.attr["version"] = tostring(ver); collection.attr["subject"] = elem.attr["subject"]; origin.send(st.reply(stanza):add_child(save_result(collection))); data[k] = collection; dm.list_store(node, host, ARCHIVE_DIR, st.preserialize(data)); return true; end end end -- not found, create new collection elem.attr["version"] = "0"; origin.send(st.reply(stanza):add_child(save_result(elem))); -- TODO check if elem is valid(?) dm.list_append(node, host, ARCHIVE_DIR, st.preserialize(elem)); -- TODO unsuccessful reply return true; end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Archive Management ------------------------------------------------------------ local function filter_with(with, coll_with) return not with or coll_with:find(with); end local function filter_start(start, coll_start) return not start or start <= coll_start; end local function filter_end(endtime, coll_start) return not endtime or endtime >= coll_start; end local function list_handler(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local node, host = origin.username, origin.host; local data = dm.list_load(node, host, ARCHIVE_DIR); local elem = stanza.tags[1]; local resset = {} if data then for k, v in ipairs(data) do local collection = st.deserialize(v); local res = filter_with(elem.attr["with"], collection.attr["with"]); res = res and filter_start(elem.attr["start"], collection.attr["start"]); res = res and filter_end(elem.attr["end"], collection.attr["start"]); if res then table.insert(resset, collection); end end end local reply = st.reply(stanza):tag('list', {xmlns='urn:xmpp:archive'}); if table.getn(resset) > 0 then local max = elem.tags[1]:child_with_name("max"); if max then max = tonumber(max:get_text()); else max = 100; end local after = elem.tags[1]:child_with_name("after"); -- local before = elem.tags[1]:child_with_name("before"); -- local index = elem.tags[1]:child_with_name("index"); if after then after = after:get_text(); end local found = false; local first, last = nil, nil; -- Assuming result set is sorted. for i, c in ipairs(resset) do if after and not found then if gen_uid(c) == after then found = true; end elseif max > 0 then if not first then first = i; end last = i; local chat = st.stanza('chat', c.attr); reply:add_child(chat); max = max - 1; else break; end end local set = st.stanza('set', {xmlns='http://jabber.org/protocol/rsm'}); if first then set:tag('first', {index=first-1}):text(gen_uid(resset[first])):up() :tag('last'):text(gen_uid(resset[last])):up(); end set:tag('count'):text(tostring(table.getn(resset))):up(); reply:add_child(set); end origin.send(reply); return true; end local function retrieve_handler(event) module:log("debug", "-- stanza:\n%s", tostring(event.stanza)); return true; end local function remove_handler(event) module:log("debug", "-- stanza:\n%s", tostring(event.stanza)); return true; end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Replication ------------------------------------------------------------ local function modified_handler(event) module:log("debug", "-- stanza:\n%s", tostring(event.stanza)); return true; end ------------------------------------------------------------ -- Message Handler ------------------------------------------------------------ local function msg_handler(data) -- TODO if not auto_archive_enabled then return nil; module:log("debug", "-- Enter msg_handler()"); local origin, stanza = data.origin, data.stanza; local body = stanza:child_with_name("body"); local thread = stanza:child_with_name("thread"); module:log("debug", "-- msg:\n%s", tostring(stanza)); if body then module:log("debug", "-- msg body:\n%s", tostring(body)); -- TODO mapping messages and conversations to collections if no thread if thread then module:log("debug", "-- msg thread:\n%s", tostring(thread)); -- module:log("debug", "-- msg body text:\n%s", body:get_text()); local from_node, from_host = jid.split(stanza.attr.from); local to_node, to_host = jid.split(stanza.attr.to); -- FIXME only archive messages of users on this host if from_host == "localhost" then store_msg(stanza, from_node, from_host, true); end if to_host == "localhost" then store_msg(stanza, to_node, to_host, false); end end end return nil; end -- Preferences module:hook("iq/self/urn:xmpp:archive:pref", preferences_handler); module:hook("iq/self/urn:xmpp:archive:itemremove", itemremove_handler); module:hook("iq/self/urn:xmpp:archive:sessionremove", sessionremove_handler); module:hook("iq/self/urn:xmpp:archive:auto", auto_handler); -- Manual archiving module:hook("iq/self/urn:xmpp:archive:save", save_handler); -- Archive management module:hook("iq/self/urn:xmpp:archive:list", list_handler); module:hook("iq/self/urn:xmpp:archive:retrieve", retrieve_handler); module:hook("iq/self/urn:xmpp:archive:remove", remove_handler); -- Replication module:hook("iq/self/urn:xmpp:archive:modified", modified_handler); module:hook("message/full", msg_handler, 10); module:hook("message/bare", msg_handler, 10); -- FIXME sort collections