local it = require "util.iterators"; local log = require "util.logger".init("stats"); local last_cpu_wall, last_cpu_clock; local get_time = require "socket".gettime; local active_sessions, active_jids = {}, {}; local stats = { total_users = { get = function () return it.count(it.keys(bare_sessions)); end }; total_c2s = { get = function () return it.count(it.keys(full_sessions)); end }; total_s2sin = { get = function () return it.count(it.keys(prosody.incoming_s2s)); end }; total_s2sout = { get = function () local count = 0; for host, host_session in pairs(hosts) do count = count + it.count(it.keys(host_session.s2sout)); end return count; end }; total_component = { get = function () local count = 0; for host, host_session in pairs(hosts) do if host_session.type == "component" then local c = host_session.modules.component; if c and c.connected then -- 0.9 only count = count + 1; end end end return count; end }; up_since = { get = function () return prosody.start_time; end; tostring = function (up_since) return tostring(os.time()-up_since).."s"; end; }; memory_used = { get = function () return collectgarbage("count")/1024; end; tostring = "%0.2fMB"; }; memory_process = { get = function () return pposix.meminfo().allocated/1048576; end; tostring = "%0.2fMB"; }; time = { tostring = function () return os.date("%T"); end; }; cpu = { get = function () local new_wall, new_clock = get_time(), os.clock(); local pc = 0; if last_cpu_wall then pc = 100/((new_wall-last_cpu_wall)/(new_clock-last_cpu_clock)); end last_cpu_wall, last_cpu_clock = new_wall, new_clock; return math.ceil(pc); end; tostring = "%s%%"; }; }; local add_statistics_filter; -- forward decl if prosody and prosody.full_sessions then -- start_time ensures we aren't in prosodyctl setmetatable(active_sessions, { __index = function ( t, k ) local v = { bytes_in = 0, bytes_out = 0; stanzas_in = { message = 0, presence = 0, iq = 0; }; stanzas_out = { message = 0, presence = 0, iq = 0; }; } rawset(t, k, v); return v; end }); local filters = require "util.filters"; local function handle_stanza_in(stanza, session) local s = active_sessions[session].stanzas_in; local n = s[stanza.name]; if n then s[stanza.name] = n + 1; end return stanza; end local function handle_stanza_out(stanza, session) local s = active_sessions[session].stanzas_out; local n = s[stanza.name]; if n then s[stanza.name] = n + 1; end return stanza; end local function handle_bytes_in(bytes, session) local s = active_sessions[session]; s.bytes_in = s.bytes_in + #bytes; return bytes; end local function handle_bytes_out(bytes, session) local s = active_sessions[session]; s.bytes_out = s.bytes_out + #bytes; return bytes; end function add_statistics_filter(session) filters.add_filter(session, "stanzas/in", handle_stanza_in); filters.add_filter(session, "stanzas/out", handle_stanza_out); filters.add_filter(session, "bytes/in", handle_bytes_in); filters.add_filter(session, "bytes/out", handle_bytes_out); end end return { stats = stats; active_sessions = active_sessions; filter_hook = add_statistics_filter; };