local hashes = require "util.hashes"; local cache = require "util.cache"; local http = require "util.http"; local jid = require "util.jid"; local json = require "util.json"; local usermanager = require "core.usermanager"; local errors = require "util.error"; local url = require "socket.url"; local uuid = require "util.uuid"; local encodings = require "util.encodings"; local base64 = encodings.base64; local tokens = module:depends("tokenauth"); local clients = module:open_store("oauth2_clients", "map"); local function filter_scopes(username, host, requested_scope_string) if host ~= module.host then return usermanager.get_jid_role(username.."@"..host, module.host).name; end if requested_scope_string then -- Specific role requested -- TODO: The requested scope string is technically a space-delimited list -- of scopes, but for simplicity we're mapping this slot to role names. if usermanager.user_can_assume_role(username, module.host, requested_scope_string) then return requested_scope_string; end end return usermanager.get_user_role(username, module.host).name; end local function code_expires_in(code) return os.difftime(os.time(), code.issued); end local function code_expired(code) return code_expires_in(code) > 120; end local codes = cache.new(10000, function (_, code) return code_expired(code) end); module:add_timer(900, function() local k, code = codes:tail(); while code and code_expired(code) do codes:set(k, nil); k, code = codes:tail(); end return code and code_expires_in(code) + 1 or 900; end) local function oauth_error(err_name, err_desc) return errors.new({ type = "modify"; condition = "bad-request"; code = err_name == "invalid_client" and 401 or 400; text = err_desc and (err_name..": "..err_desc) or err_name; extra = { oauth2_response = { error = err_name, error_description = err_desc } }; }); end local function new_access_token(token_jid, scope, ttl) local token = tokens.create_jid_token(token_jid, token_jid, scope, ttl, nil, "oauth2"); return { token_type = "bearer"; access_token = token; expires_in = ttl; scope = scope; -- TODO: include refresh_token when implemented }; end local grant_type_handlers = {}; local response_type_handlers = {}; function grant_type_handlers.password(params) local request_jid = assert(params.username, oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'username' (JID)")); local request_password = assert(params.password, oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'password'")); local request_username, request_host, request_resource = jid.prepped_split(request_jid); if not (request_username and request_host) or request_host ~= module.host then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "invalid JID"); end if not usermanager.test_password(request_username, request_host, request_password) then return oauth_error("invalid_grant", "incorrect credentials"); end local granted_jid = jid.join(request_username, request_host, request_resource); local granted_scopes = filter_scopes(request_username, request_host, params.scope); return json.encode(new_access_token(granted_jid, granted_scopes, nil)); end -- TODO response_type_handlers have some common boilerplate code, refactor? function response_type_handlers.code(params, granted_jid) if not params.client_id then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'client_id'"); end local client_owner, client_host, client_id = jid.prepped_split(params.client_id); if client_host ~= module.host then return oauth_error("invalid_client", "incorrect credentials"); end local client, err = clients:get(client_owner, client_id); if err then error(err); end if not client then return oauth_error("invalid_client", "incorrect credentials"); end local granted_scopes = filter_scopes(client_owner, client_host, params.scope); local code = uuid.generate(); local ok = codes:set(params.client_id .. "#" .. code, { issued = os.time(); granted_jid = granted_jid; granted_scopes = granted_scopes; }); if not ok then return {status_code = 429}; end local redirect_uri = params.redirect_uri or client.redirect_uri; if redirect_uri == "urn:ietf:wg:oauth:2.0:oob" then -- TODO some nicer template page local response = { status_code = 200; headers = { content_type = "text/plain" } } response.body = module:context("*"):fire_event("http-message", { response = response; title = "Your authorization code"; message = "Here's your authorization code, copy and paste it into your app:"; extra = code; }) or ("Here's your authorization code:\n%s\n"):format(code); end local redirect = url.parse(redirect_uri); local query = http.formdecode(redirect.query or ""); if type(query) ~= "table" then query = {}; end table.insert(query, { name = "code", value = code }) if params.state then table.insert(query, { name = "state", value = params.state }); end redirect.query = http.formencode(query); return { status_code = 302; headers = { location = url.build(redirect); }; } end -- Implicit flow function response_type_handlers.token(params, granted_jid) if not params.client_id then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'client_id'"); end local client_owner, client_host, client_id = jid.prepped_split(params.client_id); if client_host ~= module.host then return oauth_error("invalid_client", "incorrect credentials"); end local client, err = clients:get(client_owner, client_id); if err then error(err); end if not client then return oauth_error("invalid_client", "incorrect credentials"); end local granted_scopes = filter_scopes(client_owner, client_host, params.scope); local token_info = new_access_token(granted_jid, granted_scopes, nil); local redirect = url.parse(client.redirect_uri); token_info.state = params.state; redirect.fragment = http.formencode(token_info); return { status_code = 302; headers = { location = url.build(redirect); }; } end local pepper = module:get_option_string("oauth2_client_pepper", ""); local function verify_secret(stored, salt, i, secret) return base64.decode(stored) == hashes.pbkdf2_hmac_sha256(secret, salt .. pepper, i); end function grant_type_handlers.authorization_code(params) if not params.client_id then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'client_id'"); end if not params.client_secret then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'client_secret'"); end if not params.code then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'code'"); end if params.scope and params.scope ~= "" then return oauth_error("invalid_scope", "unknown scope requested"); end local client_owner, client_host, client_id = jid.prepped_split(params.client_id); if client_host ~= module.host then module:log("debug", "%q ~= %q", client_host, module.host); return oauth_error("invalid_client", "incorrect credentials"); end local client, err = clients:get(client_owner, client_id); if err then error(err); end if not client or not verify_secret(client.secret_hash, client.salt, client.iteration_count, params.client_secret) then module:log("debug", "client_secret mismatch"); return oauth_error("invalid_client", "incorrect credentials"); end local code, err = codes:get(params.client_id .. "#" .. params.code); if err then error(err); end if not code or type(code) ~= "table" or code_expired(code) then module:log("debug", "authorization_code invalid or expired: %q", code); return oauth_error("invalid_client", "incorrect credentials"); end assert(codes:set(client_id .. "#" .. params.code, nil)); return json.encode(new_access_token(code.granted_jid, code.granted_scopes, nil)); end local function check_credentials(request, allow_token) local auth_type, auth_data = string.match(request.headers.authorization, "^(%S+)%s(.+)$"); if auth_type == "Basic" then local creds = base64.decode(auth_data); if not creds then return false; end local username, password = string.match(creds, "^([^:]+):(.*)$"); if not username then return false; end username, password = encodings.stringprep.nodeprep(username), encodings.stringprep.saslprep(password); if not username then return false; end if not usermanager.test_password(username, module.host, password) then return false; end return username; elseif auth_type == "Bearer" and allow_token then local token_info = tokens.get_token_info(auth_data); if not token_info or not token_info.session or token_info.session.host ~= module.host then return false; end return token_info.session.username; end return nil; end if module:get_host_type() == "component" then local component_secret = assert(module:get_option_string("component_secret"), "'component_secret' is a required setting when loaded on a Component"); function grant_type_handlers.password(params) local request_jid = assert(params.username, oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'username' (JID)")); local request_password = assert(params.password, oauth_error("invalid_request", "missing 'password'")); local request_username, request_host, request_resource = jid.prepped_split(request_jid); if params.scope then return oauth_error("invalid_scope", "unknown scope requested"); end if not request_host or request_host ~= module.host then return oauth_error("invalid_request", "invalid JID"); end if request_password == component_secret then local granted_jid = jid.join(request_username, request_host, request_resource); return json.encode(new_access_token(granted_jid, nil, nil)); end return oauth_error("invalid_grant", "incorrect credentials"); end -- TODO How would this make sense with components? -- Have an admin authenticate maybe? response_type_handlers.code = nil; response_type_handlers.token = nil; grant_type_handlers.authorization_code = nil; check_credentials = function () return false end end local allowed_grant_type_handlers = module:get_option_set("allowed_oauth2_grant_types", {"authorization_code", "password"}) for handler_type in pairs(grant_type_handlers) do if not allowed_grant_type_handlers:contains(handler_type) then grant_type_handlers[handler_type] = nil; end end -- "token" aka implicit flow is considered insecure local allowed_response_type_handlers = module:get_option_set("allowed_oauth2_response_types", {"code"}) for handler_type in pairs(allowed_response_type_handlers) do if not allowed_grant_type_handlers:contains(handler_type) then grant_type_handlers[handler_type] = nil; end end function handle_token_grant(event) event.response.headers.content_type = "application/json"; local params = http.formdecode(event.request.body); if not params then return oauth_error("invalid_request"); end local grant_type = params.grant_type local grant_handler = grant_type_handlers[grant_type]; if not grant_handler then return oauth_error("unsupported_grant_type"); end return grant_handler(params); end local function handle_authorization_request(event) local request, response = event.request, event.response; if not request.headers.authorization then response.headers.www_authenticate = string.format("Basic realm=%q", module.host.."/"..module.name); return 401; end local user = check_credentials(request); if not user then return 401; end -- TODO ask user for consent here if not request.url.query then response.headers.content_type = "application/json"; return oauth_error("invalid_request"); end local params = http.formdecode(request.url.query); if not params then return oauth_error("invalid_request"); end local response_type = params.response_type; local response_handler = response_type_handlers[response_type]; if not response_handler then response.headers.content_type = "application/json"; return oauth_error("unsupported_response_type"); end return response_handler(params, jid.join(user, module.host)); end local function handle_revocation_request(event) local request, response = event.request, event.response; if not request.headers.authorization then response.headers.www_authenticate = string.format("Basic realm=%q", module.host.."/"..module.name); return 401; elseif request.headers.content_type ~= "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" or not request.body or request.body == "" then return 400; end local user = check_credentials(request, true); if not user then return 401; end local form_data = http.formdecode(event.request.body); if not form_data or not form_data.token then return 400; end local ok, err = tokens.revoke_token(form_data.token); if not ok then module:log("warn", "Unable to revoke token: %s", tostring(err)); return 500; end return 200; end module:depends("http"); module:provides("http", { route = { ["POST /token"] = handle_token_grant; ["GET /authorize"] = handle_authorization_request; ["POST /revoke"] = handle_revocation_request; }; }); local http_server = require "net.http.server"; module:hook_object_event(http_server, "http-error", function (event) local oauth2_response = event.error and event.error.extra and event.error.extra.oauth2_response; if not oauth2_response then return; end event.response.headers.content_type = "application/json"; event.response.status_code = event.error.code or 400; return json.encode(oauth2_response); end, 5); -- OIDC Discovery module:provides("http", { name = "oauth2-discovery"; default_path = "/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server"; route = { ["GET"] = { headers = { content_type = "application/json" }; body = json.encode { issuer = module:http_url(nil, "/"); authorization_endpoint = module:http_url() .. "/authorize"; token_endpoint = module:http_url() .. "/token"; jwks_uri = nil; -- TODO? registration_endpoint = nil; -- TODO scopes_supported = { "prosody:restricted"; "prosody:user"; "prosody:admin"; "prosody:operator" }; response_types_supported = { "code"; "token" }; }; }; }; }); module:shared("tokenauth/oauthbearer_config").oidc_discovery_url = module:http_url("oauth2-discovery", "/.well-known/oauth-authorization-server");