-- Module to block all outgoing stanzas from a list of users local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local is_admin = require "core.usermanager".is_admin; local set = require "util.set"; local block_users = module:get_option_set("block_outgoing_users", {}); local block_all = block_users:empty(); local stanza_types = module:get_option_set("block_outgoing_stanzas", { "message" }); local jid_types = set.new{ "host", "bare", "full" }; local function block_stanza(event) local stanza = event.stanza; local from_jid = jid_bare(stanza.attr.from); if stanza.attr.to == nil or stanza.attr.to == module.host or is_admin(from_jid, module.host) then return; end if block_all or block_users:contains(from_jid) then module:log("debug", "Blocked outgoing %s stanza from %s", stanza.name, stanza.attr.from); return true; end end function module.load() for stanza_type in stanza_types do for jid_type in jid_types do module:hook("pre-"..stanza_type.."/"..jid_type, block_stanza, 10000); end end end