local t_insert = table.insert; local t_sort = table.sort; local sm = require "core.storagemanager"; local um = require "core.usermanager"; local argparse = require "util.argparse"; local dt = require "util.datetime"; local jid = require "util.jid"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local function skeleton(s) local o = st.stanza(s.name, { xmlns = s.attr.xmlns }); local children = {}; for _, child in ipairs(s.tags) do t_insert(children, skeleton(child)) end t_sort(children, function(a, b) if a.attr.xmlns == b.attr.xmlns then return a.name < b.name; end return (a.attr.xmlns or "") < (b.attr.xmlns or ""); end); for _, child in ipairs(children) do o:add_direct_child(child); end return o; end local function classify_jid(s) if not s then return "" end local u, h, r = jid.split(s); if r then return "full" elseif u then return "bare" elseif h then return "host" else return "invalid" end end function module.command(arg) local opts = argparse.parse(arg, { value_params = { store = true; with = true; start = true; ["end"] = true } }); local store = opts.store or "archive"; -- so you can pass 'archive2' opts.store = nil; local query = { with = jid.prep(opts.with); start = dt.parse(opts.start); ["end"] = dt.parse(opts["end"]) }; local host_initialized = {}; for _, export_jid in ipairs(arg) do local username, host = jid.split(export_jid); if not host_initialized[host] then sm.initialize_host(host); um.initialize_host(host); host_initialized[host] = true; end local archive = module:context(host):open_store(store, "archive"); local iter, total = assert(archive:find(username == "*" or username, query)) if total then io.stderr:write(string.format("Processing %d entries\n", total)); end for _, item in iter do local clean = skeleton(item); -- Normalize top level attributes clean.attr.type = item.attr.type; if clean.attr.type == nil and clean.name == "message" then clean.attr.type = "normal"; end clean.attr.id = string.rep("x", math.floor(math.log(1+#(item.attr.id or ""), 2))); clean.attr.from = classify_jid(item.attr.from); clean.attr.to = classify_jid(item.attr.to); print(clean); end end end