local irc_listener = { default_port = 6667, default_mode = "*l" }; local sessions = {}; local commands = {}; local nicks = {}; local st = require "util.stanza"; local conference_server = module:get_option("conference_server") or "conference.jabber.org"; local function irc_close_session(session) session.conn:close(); end function irc_listener.onincoming(conn, data) local session = sessions[conn]; if not session then session = { conn = conn, host = module.host, reset_stream = function () end, close = irc_close_session, log = logger.init("irc"..(conn.id or "1")), roster = {} }; sessions[conn] = session; function session.data(data) module:log("debug", "Received: %s", data); local command, args = data:match("^%s*([^ ]+) *(.*)%s*$"); if not command then module:log("warn", "Invalid command: %s", data); return; end command = command:upper(); module:log("debug", "Received command: %s", command); if commands[command] then local ret = commands[command](session, args); if ret then session.send(ret.."\r\n"); end end end function session.send(data) module:log("debug", "sending: %s", data); return conn:write(data.."\r\n"); end end if data then session.data(data); end end function irc_listener.ondisconnect(conn, error) module:log("debug", "Client disconnected"); sessions[conn] = nil; end function commands.NICK(session, nick) nick = nick:match("^[%w_]+"); if nicks[nick] then session.send(":"..session.host.." 433 * The nickname "..nick.." is already in use"); return; end nicks[nick] = session; session.nick = nick; session.full_jid = nick.."@"..module.host.."/ircd"; session.type = "c2s"; module:log("debug", "Client bound to %s", session.full_jid); session.send(":"..session.host.." 001 "..session.nick.." :Welcome to XMPP via the "..session.host.." gateway "..session.nick); end local joined_mucs = {}; function commands.JOIN(session, channel) if not joined_mucs[channel] then joined_mucs[channel] = { occupants = {}, sessions = {} }; end joined_mucs[channel].sessions[session] = true; local join_stanza = st.presence({ from = session.full_jid, to = channel:gsub("^#", "").."@"..conference_server.."/"..session.nick }); core_process_stanza(session, join_stanza); session.send(":"..session.nick.." JOIN :"..channel); session.send(":"..session.host.." 332 "..session.nick.." "..channel.." :Connection in progress..."); session.send(":"..session.host.." 353 "..session.nick.." = "..channel.." :"..session.nick); session.send(":"..session.host.." 366 "..session.nick.." "..channel.." :End of /NAMES list."); end function commands.PART(session, channel) local channel, part_message = channel:match("^([^:]+):?(.*)$"); channel = channel:match("^([%S]*)"); core_process_stanza(session, st.presence{ type = "unavailable", from = session.full_jid, to = channel:gsub("^#", "").."@"..conference_server.."/"..session.nick }:tag("status"):text(part_message)); session.send(":"..session.nick.." PART :"..channel); end function commands.PRIVMSG(session, message) local who, message = message:match("^(%S+) :(.+)$"); if joined_mucs[who] then core_process_stanza(session, st.message{to=who:gsub("^#", "").."@"..conference_server, type="groupchat"}:tag("body"):text(message)); end end function commands.PING(session, server) session.send(":"..session.host..": PONG "..server); end function commands.WHO(session, channel) if joined_mucs[channel] then for nick in pairs(joined_mucs[channel].occupants) do --n=MattJ irc.freenode.net MattJ H :0 Matthew Wild session.send(":"..session.host.." 352 "..session.nick.." "..channel.." "..nick.." "..nick.." "..session.host.." "..nick.." H :0 "..nick); end session.send(":"..session.host.." 315 "..session.nick.." "..channel.. " :End of /WHO list"); end end function commands.MODE(session, channel) session.send(":"..session.host.." 324 "..session.nick.." "..channel.." +J"); end --- Component (handle stanzas from the server for IRC clients) function irc_component(origin, stanza) local from, from_bare = stanza.attr.from, jid.bare(stanza.attr.from); local from_node = "#"..jid.split(stanza.attr.from); if joined_mucs[from_node] and from_bare == from then -- From room itself local joined_muc = joined_mucs[from_node]; if stanza.name == "message" then local subject = stanza:get_child("subject"); subject = subject and (subject:get_text() or ""); if subject then for session in pairs(joined_muc.sessions) do session.send(":"..session.host.." 332 "..session.nick.." "..from_node.." :"..subject); end end end elseif joined_mucs[from_node] then -- From room occupant local joined_muc = joined_mucs[from_node]; local nick = select(3, jid.split(from)):gsub(" ", "_"); if stanza.name == "presence" then local what; if not stanza.attr.type then if joined_muc.occupants[nick] then return; end joined_muc.occupants[nick] = true; what = "JOIN"; else joined_muc.occupants[nick] = nil; what = "PART"; end for session in pairs(joined_muc.sessions) do if nick ~= session.nick then session.send(":"..nick.."!"..nick.." "..what.." :"..from_node); end end elseif stanza.name == "message" then local body = stanza:get_child("body"); body = body and body:get_text() or ""; local hasdelay = stanza:get_child("delay", "urn:xmpp:delay"); if body ~= "" then for session in pairs(joined_muc.sessions) do if nick ~= session.nick or hasdelay then session.send(":"..nick.." PRIVMSG "..from_node.." :"..body); end end end end end end require "core.componentmanager".register_component(module.host, irc_component); prosody.events.add_handler("server-stopping", function (shutdown) module:log("debug", "Closing IRC connections prior to shutdown"); for channel, joined_muc in pairs(joined_mucs) do for session in pairs(joined_muc.sessions) do core_process_stanza(session, st.presence{ type = "unavailable", from = session.full_jid, to = channel:gsub("^#", "").."@"..conference_server.."/"..session.nick } :tag("status") :text("Connection closed: Server is shutting down"..(shutdown.reason and (": "..shutdown.reason) or ""))); session:close(); end end end); require "net.connlisteners".register("irc", irc_listener); require "net.connlisteners".start("irc", { port = module:get_option("port") });