-- Monkeypatch to support socket activation -- -- Requires LuaSocket after "agnostic" changes merged -- -- To enable: -- RunScript "socket-activation.lua" local socket = require"socket"; local tcp_serv_mt = debug.getregistry()["tcp{server}"]; local socket_bind = socket.bind; local SD_LISTEN_FDS_START = 3; local fds = tonumber(os.getenv"LISTEN_FDS") or 0; if fds < SD_LISTEN_FDS_START then return; end local servs = {}; for i = 1, fds do local serv = socket.tcp(); if serv:getfd() >= 0 then return; -- This won't work, we will leak the old FD end debug.setmetatable(serv, tcp_serv_mt); serv:setfd(SD_LISTEN_FDS_START + i - 1); local ip, port = serv:getsockname(); servs [ ip .. ":" .. port ] = serv; end function socket.bind( ip, port, backlog ) local sock = servs [ ip .. ":" .. port ]; if sock then servs [ ip .. ":" .. port ] = nil; return sock; end if next(servs) == nil then -- my work here is done socket.bind = socket_bind; end return socket_bind( ip, port, backlog ); end