-- Based on mod_mam_sql -- Copyright (C) 2011-2012 Kim Alvefur -- -- This file is MIT/X11 licensed. local st = require "util.stanza"; local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local jid_split = require "util.jid".split; local serialize = require"util.json".encode, require"util.json".decode; local tostring = tostring; local time_now = os.time; local table_name = module:get_option("message_log_sql_table", pcall(require, "util.cache") and "messages" or "prosodyarchive"); local sql, setsql, getsql = {}; do -- SQL stuff local connection; local resolve_relative_path = require "core.configmanager".resolve_relative_path; local params = module:get_option("message_log_sql", module:get_option("sql")); local function test_connection() if not connection then return nil; end if connection:ping() then return true; else module:log("debug", "Database connection closed"); connection = nil; end end local function connect() if not test_connection() then prosody.unlock_globals(); local dbh, err = DBI.Connect( params.driver, params.database, params.username, params.password, params.host, params.port ); prosody.lock_globals(); if not dbh then module:log("debug", "Database connection failed: %s", tostring(err)); return nil, err; end module:log("debug", "Successfully connected to database"); dbh:autocommit(false); -- don't commit automatically connection = dbh; end return connection; end do -- process options to get a db connection local ok; prosody.unlock_globals(); ok, DBI = pcall(require, "DBI"); if not ok then package.loaded["DBI"] = {}; module:log("error", "Failed to load the LuaDBI library for accessing SQL databases: %s", DBI); module:log("error", "More information on installing LuaDBI can be found at http://prosody.im/doc/depends#luadbi"); end prosody.lock_globals(); if not ok or not DBI.Connect then return; -- Halt loading of this module end params = params or { driver = "SQLite3" }; if params.driver == "SQLite3" then params.database = resolve_relative_path(prosody.paths.data or ".", params.database or "prosody.sqlite"); end assert(params.driver and params.database, "Both the SQL driver and the database need to be specified"); assert(connect()); end function getsql(sql, ...) if params.driver == "PostgreSQL" then sql = sql:gsub("`", "\""); end -- do prepared statement stuff local stmt, err = connection:prepare(sql); if not stmt and not test_connection() then error("connection failed"); end if not stmt then module:log("error", "QUERY FAILED: %s %s", err, debug.traceback()); return nil, err; end -- run query local ok, err = stmt:execute(...); if not ok and not test_connection() then error("connection failed"); end if not ok then return nil, err; end return stmt; end function setsql(sql, ...) local stmt, err = getsql(sql, ...); if not stmt then return stmt, err; end return stmt:affected(); end function sql.rollback(...) if connection then connection:rollback(); end -- FIXME check for rollback error? return ...; end function sql.commit(...) local ok, err = connection:commit(); if not ok then module:log("error", "SQL commit failed: %s", tostring(err)); return nil, "SQL commit failed: "..tostring(err); end return ...; end end -- Handle messages local function message_handler(event, c2s) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local orig_type = stanza.attr.type or "normal"; local orig_to = stanza.attr.to; local orig_from = stanza.attr.from; if not orig_from and c2s then orig_from = origin.full_jid; end orig_to = orig_to or orig_from; -- Weird corner cases -- Don't store messages of these types if orig_type == "error" or orig_type == "headline" or orig_type == "groupchat" or not stanza:get_child("body") then return; -- TODO Maybe headlines should be configurable? end local store_user, store_host = jid_split(c2s and orig_from or orig_to); local target_jid = c2s and orig_to or orig_from; local target_bare = jid_bare(target_jid); local _, _, target_resource = jid_split(target_jid); --local id = uuid(); local when = time_now(); -- And stash it local ok, err = setsql([[ INSERT INTO `]]..table_name..[[` (`host`, `user`, `store`, `when`, `with`, `resource`, `stanza`) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?); ]], store_host, store_user, "message_log", when, target_bare, target_resource, serialize(st.preserialize(stanza))) if ok then sql.commit(); else module:log("error", "SQL error: %s", err); sql.rollback(); end end local function c2s_message_handler(event) return message_handler(event, true); end -- Stanzas sent by local clients module:hook("pre-message/bare", c2s_message_handler, 2); module:hook("pre-message/full", c2s_message_handler, 2); -- Stanszas to local clients module:hook("message/bare", message_handler, 2); module:hook("message/full", message_handler, 2); -- In the telnet console, run: -- >hosts["this host"].modules.mam_sql.environment.create_sql() function create_sql() local stm = assert(getsql([[ CREATE TABLE `]]..table_name..[[` ( `host` TEXT, `user` TEXT, `store` TEXT, `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `when` INTEGER, `with` TEXT, `resource` TEXT, `stanza` TEXT ); CREATE INDEX `hus` ON `]]..table_name..[[` (`host`, `user`, `store`); CREATE INDEX `with` ON `]]..table_name..[[` (`with`); CREATE INDEX `thetime` ON `]]..table_name..[[` (`when`); ]])); stm:execute(); sql.commit(); end