module:set_global(); local json = require"util.json"; local json_encode, json_decode = json.encode, json.decode; local gettime = require"socket".gettime; local serialize = require"util.serialization".serialize; local async = require"util.async"; local http_request = require "net.http".request; local msva_url = assert(os.getenv"MONKEYSPHERE_VALIDATION_AGENT_SOCKET", "MONKEYSPHERE_VALIDATION_AGENT_SOCKET is unset, please set it").."/reviewcert"; local function check_with_monkeysphere(event) local session, host, cert = event.session,, event.cert; local post_body = json_encode { peer = { name = host; type = "peer"; }; context = "https"; -- context = "xmpp"; -- Monkeysphere needs to be extended to understand this pkc = { type = "x509pem"; data = cert:pem(); }; } local req = { method = "POST"; headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json"; }; body = post_body; }; session.log("debug", "Asking what Monkeysphere thinks about this certificate"); local starttime = gettime(); local wait, done = async.waiter(); local body, code; http_request(msva_url, req, function (_, _code) body, code = body, _code; done(); end); wait(); module:log("debug", "Request took %fs", gettime() - starttime); if code == 200 and body then body = json_decode(body); if body then session.log(body.valid and "info" or "warn", "Monkeysphere thinks the cert is %salid: %s", body.valid and "V" or "Inv", body.message); if body.valid then session.cert_chain_status = "valid"; session.cert_identity_status = "valid"; return true; end end else module:log("warn", "Request failed: %s, %s", tostring(code), tostring(body)); module:log("debug", serialize(req)); end end module:hook("s2s-check-certificate", check_with_monkeysphere);