-- No, not trying to parse HTML here. It's an illusion. Just trying to read RSS feeds.
-- Compose a textual representation of Atom payloads
module:hook("pubsub-summary/http://www.w3.org/2005/Atom", function (event)
local payload = event.payload;
local title = payload:get_child_text("title");
-- Note: This prefers content over summary, it was made for a news feed where
-- the interesting stuff was in the content and the summary was .. meh.
local content_tag = payload:get_child("content") or payload:get_child("summary");
local content = content_tag and content_tag:get_text();
if content and content_tag.attr.type == "html" then
content = content:gsub("\n*
\n*", "%1\n\n");
content = content:gsub("(.-)\n", "* %1\n");
content = content:gsub("]*href=[\"'](.-)[\"'][^>]*>(.-)", "\1%1\2%2\3");
content = content:gsub("(.-)", "*%1*");
content = content:gsub("(.-)", "*%1*");
content = content:gsub("(.-)", "_%1_");
content = content:gsub("(.-)", "_%1_");
content = content:gsub("
]*src=[\"'](.-)[\"'][^>]*>", " %1 "); -- TODO alt= would have been nice to grab
content = content:gsub("
]*>", "\n");
content = content:gsub("<[^>]+>", "");
content = content:gsub("\1(.-)\2(.-)\3", "%2 <%1>");
content = content:gsub("^%s*", ""):gsub("%s*$", "");
content = content:gsub("\n\n\n+", "\n\n");
content = content:gsub("&(%w+);", {
apos = "'";
quot = '"';
lt = "<";
gt = ">";
amp = "&";
nbsp = "\194\160"; -- U+00A0
local summary;
if title and content and content:sub(1, #title) ~= title then
summary = "*" .. title .. "*\n\n" .. content;
elseif title or content then
summary = content or title;
for link in payload:childtags("link") do
if link and link.attr.href and link.attr.href ~= content then
summary = (summary and summary .. "\n" or "") .. link.attr.href;
if link.attr.rel then summary = summary .. " [" .. link.attr.rel .. "]" end
return summary;
end, 1);