local jid = require "util.jid"; local sha256 = require "util.hashes".sha256; local st = require "util.stanza"; local rtbl_service_jid = assert(module:get_option_string("muc_rtbl_jid"), "No RTBL JID supplied"); local rtbl_node = module:get_option_string("muc_rtbl_node", "muc_bans_sha256"); local banned_hashes = module:shared("banned_hashes"); module:depends("pubsub_subscription"); module:add_item("pubsub-subscription", { service = rtbl_service_jid; node = rtbl_node; -- Callbacks: on_subscribed = function() module:log("info", "RTBL active"); end; on_error = function(err) module:log("error", "Failed to subscribe to RTBL: %s::%s: %s", err.type, err.condition, err.text); end; on_item = function(event) local hash = event.item.attr.id; if not hash then return; end module:log("debug", "Received new hash: %s", hash); banned_hashes[hash] = hash; end; on_retract = function (event) local hash = event.item.attr.id; if not hash then return; end module:log("debug", "Retracted hash: %s", hash); banned_hashes[hash] = nil; end; }); module:hook("muc-occupant-pre-join", function (event) local from_bare = jid.bare(event.stanza.attr.from); local hash = sha256(jid.bare(event.stanza.attr.from), true); if banned_hashes[hash] then module:log("info", "Blocked user <%s> from room <%s> due to RTBL match", from_bare, event.stanza.attr.to); local error_reply = st.error_reply(event.stanza, "cancel", "forbidden", "You are banned from this service", event.room.jid); event.origin.send(error_reply); return true; end end);