#summary XEP-0313: Message Archive Management using SQL #labels Stage-Alpha, Deprecated *Note:* This module is unsupported and not up to date with the MAM specification = Introduction = This is an old fork of mod_mam with the purpose of figuring out and testing an appropriate schema for future inclusion in prosodys mod_storage_sql. That work is currently available in mod_storage_sql2, pending merging with mod_storage_sql. It talks SQL directly, bypassing prosodys storage layer. It is no longer maintained and is unlikely to work with modern clients. = Details = See [mod_mam] for details. = Usage = First copy the module to the prosody plugins directory. Then add "mam_sql" to your modules_enabled list: {{{ modules_enabled = { -- ... "mam_sql", -- ... } }}} You should probably run the SQL to create the archive table/indexes: {{{ CREATE TABLE `prosodyarchive` ( `host` TEXT, `user` TEXT, `store` TEXT, `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTOINCREMENT, `when` INTEGER, `with` TEXT, `resource` TEXT, `stanza` TEXT ); CREATE INDEX `hus` ON `prosodyarchive` (`host`, `user`, `store`); CREATE INDEX `with` ON `prosodyarchive` (`with`); CREATE INDEX `thetime` ON `prosodyarchive` (`when`); }}} (*NOTE*: I ran the following SQL to initialize the table/indexes on MySQL): {{{ CREATE TABLE prosodyarchive ( `host` VARCHAR(1023) NOT NULL, `user` VARCHAR(1023) NOT NULL, `store` VARCHAR(1023) NOT NULL, `id` INTEGER PRIMARY KEY AUTO_INCREMENT, `when` INTEGER NOT NULL, `with` VARCHAR(2047) NOT NULL, `resource` VARCHAR(1023), `stanza` TEXT NOT NULL ); CREATE INDEX hus ON prosodyarchive (host, user, store); CREATE INDEX `with` ON prosodyarchive (`with`); CREATE INDEX thetime ON prosodyarchive (`when`); }}} You may want to tweak the column sizes a bit; I did for my own purposes. = Configuration = This module uses the same configuration settings that [mod_mam] does, in addition to the [http://prosody.im/doc/modules/mod_storage_sql SQL storage settings]. You may also name the SQL connection settings 'mam_sql' if you want. = Compatibility = || 0.8 || ? || || 0.9 || Works || || 0.10 || Use mod_mam instead || || trunk || Use mod_mam instead ||