-- Use Include 'prosody-posix-ldap.cfg.lua' from prosody.cfg.lua to include this file authentication = 'ldap2' -- Indicate that we want to use LDAP for authentication storage = 'ldap' -- Indicate that we want to use LDAP for roster/vcard storage ldap = { hostname = 'localhost', -- LDAP server location bind_dn = 'cn=Manager,dc=example,dc=com', -- Bind DN for LDAP authentication (optional if anonymous bind is supported) bind_password = 'prosody', -- Bind password (optional if anonymous bind is supported) user = { basedn = 'ou=Users,dc=example,dc=com', -- The base DN where user records can be found filter = 'objectClass=posixAccount', -- Filter expression to find user records under basedn usernamefield = 'uid', -- The field that contains the user's ID (this will be the username portion of the JID) namefield = 'cn', -- The field that contains the user's full name (this will be the alias found in the roster) }, groups = { basedn = 'ou=Groups,dc=example,dc=com', -- The base DN where group records can be found memberfield = 'memberUid', -- The field that contains user ID records for this group (each member must have a corresponding entry under the user basedn with the same value in usernamefield) namefield = 'cn', -- The field that contains the group's name (used for matching groups in LDAP to group definitions below) { name = 'everyone', -- The group name that will be seen in users' rosters cn = 'Everyone', -- This field's key *must* match ldap.groups.namefield! It's the name of the LDAP group this definition represents admin = false, -- (Optional) A boolean flag that indicates whether members of this group should be considered administrators. }, { name = 'admin', cn = 'Admin', admin = true, }, }, vcard_format = { displayname = 'cn', -- Consult the vCard configuration section in the README nickname = 'uid', photo = { type = 'image/jpeg', binval = 'jpegPhoto', } }, }