-- mod_http_logging -- -- Copyright (C) 2015 Kim Alvefur -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- -- Produces HTTP logs in the style of Apache -- -- TODO -- * Configurable format? module:set_global(); local server = require "net.http.server"; local function get_content_len(response, body) local len = response.headers.content_length; if len then return len; end if not body then body = request.body; end if body then return #tostring(body); end end local function log_response(response, body) local len = tostring(get_content_len(response, body) or "-"); local request = response.request; local ip = request.conn:ip(); local req = string.format("%s %s HTTP/%s", request.method, request.path, request.httpversion); local date = os.date("%d/%m/%Y:%H:%M:%S %z"); module:log("info", "%s - - [%s] \"%s\" %d %s", ip, date, req, response.status_code, len); end local send_response = server.send_response; local function log_and_send_response(response, body) if not response.finished then log_response(response, body); end return send_response(response, body); end if module.wrap_object_event then -- Use object event wrapping, allows clean unloading of the module module:wrap_object_event(server._events, false, function (handlers, event_name, event_data) if event_data.response then event_data.response.send = log_and_send_response; end return handlers(event_name, event_data); end); else -- Fall back to monkeypatching, unlikely to behave nicely in the -- presence of other modules also doing this server.send_response = log_and_send_response; function module.unload() server.send_response = send_response; end end