local jid = require "util.jid"; local time = os.time; local log_ip = module:get_option_boolean("lastlog_ip_address", false); local store; if module.host ~= "*" then -- workaround for prosodyctl loading into global context store = module:open_store(nil, "map"); end module:hook("authentication-success", function(event) local session = event.session; if session.username then store:set(session.username, "login", { timestamp = time(), ip = log_ip and session and session.ip or nil, }); end end); module:hook("resource-unbind", function(event) local session = event.session; if session.username then store:set(session.username, "logout", { timestamp = time(), ip = log_ip and session and session.ip or nil, }); end end); module:hook("user-registered", function(event) local session = event.session; store:set(event.username, "registered", { timestamp = time(), ip = log_ip and session and session.ip or nil, }); end); if module:get_host_type() == "component" then module:hook("message/bare", function(event) local room = jid.split(event.stanza.attr.to); if room then store:set(room, module.host, "message", { timestamp = time(), }); end end); end do local user_sessions = prosody.hosts[module.host].sessions; local kv_store = module:open_store(); function get_last_active(username) --luacheck: ignore 131/get_last_active if user_sessions[username] then return os.time(); -- Currently connected else local last_activity = kv_store:get(username); if not last_activity then return nil; end local last_login = last_activity.login; local last_logout = last_activity.logout; local latest = math.max(last_login and last_login.timestamp or 0, last_logout and last_logout.timestamp or 0); if latest == 0 then return nil; -- Never logged in end return latest; end end end function module.command(arg) if not arg[1] or arg[1] == "--help" then require"util.prosodyctl".show_usage([[mod_lastlog2 ]], [[Show when user last logged in or out]]); return 1; end local user, host = jid.prepped_split(table.remove(arg, 1)); require"core.storagemanager".initialize_host(host); store = module:context(host):open_store(); local lastlog = store:get(user); if lastlog then for event, data in pairs(lastlog) do print(("Last %s: %s"):format(event, data.timestamp and os.date("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", data.timestamp) or "")); if data.ip then print("IP address: "..data.ip); end end else print("No record found"); return 1; end return 0; end