local wait_for = require "util.async".wait_for; local http = require "net.http"; local json = require "util.json"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local jid_node = require "util.jid".node; local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local jid_resource = require "util.jid".resource; local urlencode = require "util.http".urlencode; local authorization_url = module:get_option("muc_http_auth_url", "") local enabled_for = module:get_option_set("muc_http_auth_enabled_for", nil) local disabled_for = module:get_option_set("muc_http_auth_disabled_for", nil) local insecure = module:get_option("muc_http_auth_insecure", false) --For development purposes local authorize_registration = module:get_option("muc_http_auth_authorize_registration", false) local authorization_header = module:get_option("muc_http_auth_authorization_header", nil) local options = {method="GET", insecure=insecure} if authorization_header then options.headers = {["Authorization"] = authorization_header}; end local verbs = {presence='join', iq='register'}; local function must_be_authorized(room_node) -- If none of these is set, all rooms need authorization if not enabled_for and not disabled_for then return true; end if enabled_for then return enabled_for:contains(room_node); end if disabled_for then return not disabled_for:contains(room_node); end end local function handle_success(response) local body = json.decode(response.body or "") or {} response = { err = body.error, allowed = body.allowed, code = response.code } return {response=response, err=response.err}; end local function handle_error(err) return {err=err}; end local function handle_presence(event) local stanza = event.stanza; if stanza.name ~= "iq" and stanza.name ~= "presence" or stanza.attr.type == "unavailable" then return; end local room, origin = event.room, event.origin; if (not room) or (not origin) then return; end if not must_be_authorized(jid_node(room.jid)) then return; end local user_bare_jid = jid_bare(stanza.attr.from); local user_nickname = jid_resource(stanza.attr.to); -- Nickname is mandatory to enter a MUC if not user_nickname then return; end local url = authorization_url .. "?userJID=" .. user_bare_jid .."&mucJID=" .. room.jid .. "&nickname=" .. user_nickname; local result = wait_for(http.request(url, options):next(handle_success, handle_error)); local response, err = result.response, result.err; local verb = verbs[stanza.name]; if not (response and response.allowed) then -- User is not authorized to join this room err = (response or {}).err or err module:log("debug", user_bare_jid .. " is not authorized to " ..verb.. ": " .. room.jid .. " Error: " .. tostring(err)); origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "auth", "not-authorized", nil, module.host)); return true; end module:log("debug", user_bare_jid .. " is authorized to " .. verb .. ": " .. room.jid); return; end if authorize_registration then module:hook("muc-register-iq", handle_presence); end module:hook("muc-occupant-pre-join", handle_presence);