local st = require "util.stanza"; module:add_item("muc-registration-field", { name = "offline_delivery"; var = "{http://tigase.org/protocol/muc}offline"; type = "boolean"; label = "Receive messages while not connected to the room"; value = false; }); module:hook("muc-registration-submitted", function (event) local deliver_offline = event.submitted_data.offline_delivery or nil; event.affiliation_data.offline_delivery = deliver_offline; end); module:hook("muc-add-history", function (event) module:log("debug", "Broadcasting message to offline occupants..."); local sent = 0; local room = event.room; for jid, affiliation, data in room:each_affiliation() do --luacheck: ignore 213/affiliation local reserved_nickname = data and data.reserved_nickname; if reserved_nickname and data.offline_delivery then local is_absent = not room:get_occupant_by_nick(room.jid.."/"..reserved_nickname); if is_absent then module:log("debug", "Forwarding message to offline member <%s>", jid); local msg = st.clone(event.stanza); msg.attr.to = jid; module:send(msg); sent = sent + 1; end end end if sent > 0 then module:log("debug", "Sent message to %d offline occupants", sent); end end);