local st = require "stanza"; local urlencode = require "net.http".urlencode; local xmlns_xhtmlim = "http://jabber.org/protocol/xhtml-im"; local xmlns_xhtml = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"; local function replace_latex(data) local origin, stanza = data.origin, data.stanza; local body = stanza:get_child_text("body"); if not body or not body:match("%$%$") then return; end module:log("debug", "Replacing latex..."); local html = st.stanza("html", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtmlim }) :tag("body", { xmlns = xmlns_xhtml }); local in_latex, last_char; for snippet, up_to in body:gmatch("(.-)%$%$()") do last_char = up_to; if in_latex then -- Render latex and add image, next snippet is text in_latex = nil; html:tag("img", { src = "http://www.mathtran.org/cgi-bin/mathtran?D=2;tex="..urlencode(snippet), alt = snippet }):up(); else -- Add text to HTML, next snippet is latex in_latex = true; html:tag("span"):text(snippet):up(); end end if last_char < #body then html:tag("span"):text(body:sub(last_char, #body)):up(); end for n, tag in ipairs(stanza.tags) do module:log("debug", "Tag: %s|%s", tag.attr.xmlns or "", tag.name or ""); if tag.name == "html" and tag.attr.xmlns == xmlns_xhtmlim then stanza.tags[n] = html; for n, child in ipairs(stanza) do if child == tag then stanza[n] = html; end end return; end end stanza[#stanza+1] = html; stanza.tags[#stanza.tags+1] = html; end module:hook("message/bare", replace_latex, 30); module:hook("message/full", replace_latex, 30);