local id = require "util.id"; local jid = require "util.jid"; local set = require "util.set"; local st = require "util.stanza"; if module:get_host_type() ~= "local" then module:log("error", "mod_%s must be loaded as a regular module, not on Components", module.name); return end module:depends "track_muc_joins"; module:add_feature("https://modules.prosody.im/mod_" .. module.name); local local_sessions = prosody.hosts[module.host].sessions; module:hook_global("s2s-destroyed", function(event) local s2s_session = event.session; if s2s_session.direction == "outgoing" and s2s_session.from_host ~= module.host then return elseif s2s_session.direction == "incoming" and s2s_session.to_host ~= module.host then return end local related_hosts = set.new({ s2s_session.direction == "outgoing" and s2s_session.to_host or s2s_session.from_host }); if s2s_session.hosts then -- While rarely used, multiplexing is still supported for host, state in pairs(s2s_session.hosts) do if state.authed then related_hosts:add(host); end end end local ping_delay = module:get_option_number("ping_muc_delay", 60, 1); module:add_timer(ping_delay, function () for _, user_session in pairs(local_sessions) do for _, session in pairs(user_session.sessions) do if session.rooms_joined then for room, info in pairs(session.rooms_joined) do local nick = info.nick or info; local room_nick = room .. "/" .. nick; if related_hosts:contains(jid.host(room)) then -- User is in a MUC room for which the s2s connection was lost. Now what? -- Self-ping -- ========= -- -- Response of means the user is still in the room -- (and self-ping is supported), so we do nothing. -- -- An error reply either means the user has fallen out of the room, -- or that self-ping is unsupported. In the later case, whether the -- user is still joined is indeterminate and we might as well -- pretend they fell out. module:send_iq(st.iq({ type = "get"; id = id.medium(); from = session.full_jid; to = room_nick }) :tag("ping", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:ping"; })) :catch(function(err) module:send( st.presence({ type = "unavailable"; id = id.medium(); to = session.full_jid; from = room_nick }) :tag("x", { xmlns = "http://jabber.org/protocol/muc#user" }) :tag("item", { affiliation = "none"; role = "none" }) :text_tag("reason", err.text or "Connection to remote server lost") :up() :tag("status", { code = "110" }):up() :tag("status", { code = "333" }):up() :reset()); end); end end end end end end) end);