module:set_global(); local dm_load = require "util.datamanager".load; local dm_store = require "util.datamanager".store; local datetime = require "util.datetime".datetime; local do_store = module:get_option_boolean(module:get_name().."_persist", false); local digest_algo = module:get_option_string(module:get_name().."_digest", "sha1"); local function note_cert_digest(event) local session, remote_host, cert = event.session,, event.cert; if not (remote_host and cert and cert.digest) then return end; local digest = cert:digest(digest_algo); local local_host = session.direction == "outgoing" and session.from_host or session.to_host; local chain_status = session.cert_chain_status; local identity_status = session.cert_identity_status; module:log("info", "%s has a %s %s certificate with %s: %s", remote_host, chain_status == "valid" and "trusted" or "untrusted", identity_status or "invalid", digest_algo:upper(), digest:upper():gsub("..",":%0"):sub(2)); if do_store then local seen_certs = dm_load(remote_host, local_host, "s2s_certs") or {}; digest = digest_algo..":"..digest; local this_cert = seen_certs[digest] or { first = datetime(); times = 0; } this_cert.last = datetime(); this_cert.times = this_cert.times + 1; seen_certs[digest] = this_cert; chain_status = chain_status; identity_status = identity_status; dm_store(remote_host, local_host, "s2s_certs", seen_certs); end end module:hook("s2s-check-certificate", note_cert_digest, 1000); --[[ function module.add_host(module) module:hook("s2s-check-certificate", note_cert_digest, 1000); end ]]