-- Allow Slack-style incoming and outgoing hooks to MUC rooms -- Based on mod_muc_intercom and mod_post_msg -- Copyright 2016-2017 Nathan Whitehorn -- -- This file is MIT/X11 licensed. module:depends"http" local host_session = prosody.hosts[module.host]; local msg = require "util.stanza".message; local jid = require "util.jid"; local now = require "util.datetime".datetime; local json = require "util.json" local formdecode = require "net.http".formdecode; local http = require "net.http"; local function get_room_from_jid(mod_muc, room_jid) if mod_muc.get_room_from_jid then return mod_muc.get_room_from_jid(room_jid); elseif mod_muc.rooms then return mod_muc.rooms[room_jid]; -- COMPAT 0.9, 0.10 end end local routing = module:get_option("outgoing_webhook_routing") or {}; local listen_path = module:get_option("incoming_webhook_path") or "/webhook"; local default_from_nick = module:get_option("incoming_webhook_default_nick") or "Bot"; function postcallback(_, code) module:log("debug", "HTTP result %d", code) end function check_message(data) local stanza = data.stanza; local mod_muc = host_session.muc; if not mod_muc then return; end local this_room = get_room_from_jid(mod_muc, stanza.attr.to); if not this_room then return; end -- no such room local from_room_jid = this_room._jid_nick[stanza.attr.from]; if not from_room_jid then return; end -- no such nick local from_room, from_host, from_nick = jid.split(from_room_jid); local body = stanza:get_child("body"); if not body then return; end -- No body, like topic changes body = body and body:get_text(); -- I feel like I want to do `or ""` there :/ if not routing[from_room] then return; end local json_out = {channel_name = from_room, timestamp = now(), text = body, team_domain = from_host, user_name = from_nick}; local stanzaid = stanza:get_child("id"); if stanzaid and string.sub(stanzaid,1,string.len("webhookbot"))=="webhookbot" then json_out["bot_id"] = "webhookbot"; end json_out = json.encode(json_out) local url = routing[from_room]; module:log("debug", "message from %s in %s to %s", from_nick, from_room, url); local headers = { ["Content-Type"] = "application/json", }; http.request(url, { method = "POST", body = json_out, headers = headers }, postcallback) end module:hook("message/bare", check_message, 10); local function route_post(f) return function(event, path) local bare_room = jid.join(path, module.host); local mod_muc = host_session.muc; if not get_room_from_jid(mod_muc, bare_room) then module:log("warn", "mod_slack_webhook: invalid JID: %s", bare_room); return 404; end -- Check secret? return f(event, path) end end local function handle_post(event, path) local mod_muc = host_session.muc; local request = event.request; local headers = request.headers; local body_type = headers.content_type; local message; local post_body; if body_type == "application/x-www-form-urlencoded" then post_body = formdecode(request.body)["payload"]; elseif body_type == "application/json" then if not pcall(function() post_body = json.decode(request.body) end) then return 420; end else return 422; end local bare_room = jid.join(path, module.host); local dest_room = get_room_from_jid(mod_muc, bare_room); local from_nick = default_from_nick; if post_body["username"] then from_nick = post_body["username"]; end local sender = jid.join(path, module.host, from_nick); module:log("debug", "message to %s from %s", bare_room, sender); module:log("debug", "body: %s", post_body["text"]); message = msg({ to = bare_room, from = sender, type = "groupchat", id="webhookbot" .. now()},post_body["text"]); dest_room:broadcast_message(message, true); return 201; end module:provides("http", { default_path = listen_path; route = { ["POST /*"] = route_post(handle_post); OPTIONS = function(e) local headers = e.response.headers; headers.allow = "POST"; headers.accept = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded, application/json"; return 200; end; } });