local new_watchdog = require "util.watchdog".new; local filters = require "util.filters"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local idle_timeout = module:get_option_number("c2s_idle_timeout", 300); local ping_timeout = module:get_option_number("c2s_ping_timeout", 30); function update_watchdog(data, session) session.idle_watchdog:reset(); session.idle_pinged = nil; return data; end function check_session(watchdog) local session = watchdog.session; if not session.idle_pinged then session.idle_pinged = true; if session.smacks and not session.awaiting_ack then session.send(st.stanza("r", { xmlns = session.smacks })) else session.send(st.iq({ type = "get", from = module.host, id = "idle-check" }) :tag("ping", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:ping" })); end return ping_timeout; -- Call us again after ping_timeout else module:log("info", "Client %q silent for too long, closing...", session.full_jid); session:close("connection-timeout"); end end function watch_session(session) if not session.idle_watchdog and not session.requests then -- Don't watch BOSH connections (BOSH already has timeouts) session.idle_watchdog = new_watchdog(idle_timeout, check_session); session.idle_watchdog.session = session; filters.add_filter(session, "bytes/in", update_watchdog); end end function unwatch_session(session) if session.idle_watchdog then session.idle_watchdog:cancel(); session.idle_watchdog = nil; filters.remove_filter(session, "bytes/in", update_watchdog); end end module:hook("resource-bind", function (event) watch_session(event.session); end); module:hook("resource-unbind", function (event) unwatch_session(event.session); end);