local mod_muc = module:depends("muc"); function add_user_hat(user_jid, room_jid, hat_id, attachment) local room = mod_muc.get_room_from_jid(room_jid); if not room then return nil, "item-not-found", "no such room"; end local user_aff = room:get_affiliation(user_jid); if not user_aff then return nil, "item-not-found", "user not affiliated with room"; end local aff_data = room:get_affiliation_data(user_jid) or {}; local hats = aff_data.hats; if not hats then hats = {}; aff_data.hats = hats; end hats[hat_id] = { active = attachment.active; required = attachment.required; title = attachment.title; }; local ok, err = room:set_affiliation(true, user_jid, user_aff, nil, aff_data); if not ok then return nil, err; end return true; end function remove_user_hat(user_jid, room_jid, hat_id) local room = mod_muc.get_room_from_jid(room_jid); if not room then return nil, "item-not-found", "no such room"; end local user_aff = room:get_affiliation(user_jid); if not user_aff then return nil, "item-not-found", "user not affiliated with room"; end local aff_data = room:get_affiliation_data(user_jid); local hats = aff_data and aff_data.hats; if not hats then return true; end hats[hat_id] = nil; local ok, err = room:set_affiliation(true, user_jid, user_aff, nil, aff_data); if not ok then return nil, err; end return true; end function set_user_hats(user_jid, room_jid, new_hats) local room = mod_muc.get_room_from_jid(room_jid); if not room then return nil, "item-not-found", "no such room"; end local user_aff = room:get_affiliation(user_jid); if not user_aff then return nil, "item-not-found", "user not affiliated with room"; end local aff_data = room:get_affiliation_data(user_jid) or {}; aff_data.hats = new_hats; local ok, err = room:set_affiliation(true, user_jid, user_aff, nil, aff_data); if not ok then return nil, err; end return true; end