local st = require "util.stanza"; local cache = require "util.cache"; local add_filter = require "util.filters".add_filter; local cache_size = module:get_option_number("presence_dedup_cache_size", 100); -- stanza equality tests local function attr_eq(a, b) if a == b then return true; end -- unlikely but not impossible for k,v in pairs(a) do if b[k] ~= v then return false; end end for k,v in pairs(b) do if a[k] ~= v then return false; end end return true; end local function st_eq(a, b) if a == b then return true; end if type(b) ~= "table" then return false; end if getmetatable(b) ~= st.stanza_mt then return false; end if a.name ~= b.name then return false; end if #a ~= #b then return false; end if not attr_eq(a.attr, b.attr) then return false; end for i = 1, #a do if not st_eq(a[i], b[i]) then return false; end end return true; end local function dedup_presence(stanza, session) if session.presence_cache and session.presence and getmetatable(stanza) == st.stanza_mt and stanza.name == "presence" and stanza.attr.xmlns == nil and stanza.attr.from then local cached = session.presence_cache:get(stanza.attr.from); if st_eq(stanza, cached) then return nil; else session.presence_cache:set(stanza.attr.from, st.clone(stanza)); end end return stanza; end module:hook("presence/initial", function (event) local session = event.origin; session.presence_cache = cache.new(cache_size); add_filter(session, "stanzas/out", dedup_presence, 90); end);