local array = require"util.array"; local st = require"util.stanza"; local tos_version = assert(module:get_option("tos_version"), "tos_version must be set") local status_storage; if prosody.process_type == "prosody" or prosody.shutdown then status_storage = module:open_store("tos_status", "keyval") end local documents = array{}; local function validate_doc(doc) if not doc.title or not doc.sources or #doc.sources < 1 then return false, "document needs to have a title and at least one source" end for _, source in ipairs(doc.sources) do if not source.url or not source.type then return false, "document " .. doc.title .. " has a source without url or type" end end return true, doc end for _, doc in ipairs(assert(module:get_option("tos_documents"), "tos_documents option is required")) do local ok, doc_or_err = validate_doc(doc) if not ok then error("invalid TOS document: "..doc_or_err) end documents:push(doc); end local function send_tos_push(session) local to = session.username .. "@" .. session.host .. "/" .. session.resource; local push = st.message({ type = "headline", to = to, }, "In order to continue to use the service, you have to accept the current version of the Terms of Service."); local tos = push:tag("tos-push", { xmlns = "urn:xmpp:tos:0" }):tag("tos", { version = tos_version }); for _, doc in ipairs(documents) do local doc_tag = tos:tag("document"):text_tag("title", doc.title); for _, source in ipairs(doc.sources) do doc_tag:tag("source", { url = source.url, type = source.type }):up(); end doc_tag:up(); end tos:up():up(); module:send(push); end local function check_tos(event) local user = event.origin.username assert(user) local tos_status = status_storage:get(user) if tos_status and tos_status.version and tos_status.version == tos_version then module:log("debug", "user %s has signed the current tos", user); return end module:log("debug", "user %s has not signed the current tos, sending tos push", user); send_tos_push(event.origin) end local function handle_accept_tos_iq(event) local user = event.origin.username; assert(user); local accept = event.stanza.tags[1]; local version = accept.attr["version"]; module:log("debug", "user %s has accepted ToS version %s", user, version); if version ~= tos_version then local reply = st.error_reply(event.stanza, "modify", "not-allowed", "Only the most recent version of the ToS can be accepted"); module:log("debug", "%s is not the most recent version (%s), rejecting", version, tos_version); event.origin.send(reply); return true; end status_storage:set(user, { version = tos_version }); local reply = st.reply(event.stanza); event.origin.send(reply); return true; end module:hook("presence/initial", check_tos, -100); module:hook("iq-set/bare/urn:xmpp:tos:0:accept", handle_accept_tos_iq);