-- Copyright (C) 2010 Florian Zeitz -- -- This file is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- / -- local st = require "util.stanza"; local uuid_generate = require "util.uuid".generate; local is_admin = require "usermanager".is_admin; local pubsub = require "util.pubsub"; local httpserver = require "net.httpserver"; local jid_bare = require "util.jid".bare; local lfs = require "lfs"; local open = io.open; local stat = lfs.attributes; local host = module:get_host(); local service; local http_base = (prosody.paths.plugins or "./plugins/") .. "admin_web/www_files"; local xmlns_adminsub = "http://prosody.im/adminsub"; local xmlns_c2s_session = "http://prosody.im/streams/c2s"; local xmlns_s2s_session = "http://prosody.im/streams/s2s"; local response_301 = { status = "301 Moved Permanently" }; local response_400 = { status = "400 Bad Request", body = "

Bad Request

Sorry, we didn't understand your request :(" }; local response_403 = { status = "403 Forbidden", body = "


You don't have permission to view the contents of this directory :(" }; local response_404 = { status = "404 Not Found", body = "

Page Not Found

Sorry, we couldn't find what you were looking for :(" }; local mime_map = { html = "text/html"; xml = "text/xml"; js = "text/javascript"; css = "text/css"; }; local idmap = {}; function add_client(session) local name = session.full_jid; local id = idmap[name]; if not id then id = uuid_generate(); idmap[name] = id; end local item = st.stanza("item", { id = id }):tag("session", {xmlns = xmlns_c2s_session, jid = name}):up(); if session.secure then item:tag("encrypted"):up(); end if session.compressed then item:tag("compressed"):up(); end service:publish(xmlns_c2s_session, host, id, item); module:log("debug", "Added client " .. name); end function del_client(session) local name = session.full_jid; local id = idmap[name]; if id then local notifier = st.stanza("retract", { id = id }); service:retract(xmlns_c2s_session, host, id, notifier); end end function add_host(session, type) local name = (type == "out" and session.to_host) or (type == "in" and session.from_host); local id = idmap[name.."_"..type]; if not id then id = uuid_generate(); idmap[name.."_"..type] = id; end local item = st.stanza("item", { id = id }):tag("session", {xmlns = xmlns_s2s_session, jid = name}) :tag(type):up(); if session.secure then item:tag("encrypted"):up(); end if session.compressed then item:tag("compressed"):up(); end service:publish(xmlns_s2s_session, host, id, item); module:log("debug", "Added host " .. name .. " s2s" .. type); end function del_host(session, type) local name = (type == "out" and session.to_host) or (type == "in" and session.from_host); local id = idmap[name.."_"..type]; if id then local notifier = st.stanza("retract", { id = id }); service:retract(xmlns_s2s_session, host, id, notifier); end end local function preprocess_path(path) if path:sub(1,1) ~= "/" then path = "/"..path; end local level = 0; for component in path:gmatch("([^/]+)/") do if component == ".." then level = level - 1; elseif component ~= "." then level = level + 1; end if level < 0 then return nil; end end return path; end function serve_file(path, base) local full_path = http_base..path; if stat(full_path, "mode") == "directory" then if not path:find("/$") then local response = response_301; response.headers = { ["Location"] = base .. "/" }; return response; end if stat(full_path.."/index.html", "mode") == "file" then return serve_file(path.."/index.html"); end return response_403; end local f, err = open(full_path, "rb"); if not f then return response_404; end local data = f:read("*a"); data = data:gsub("%%ADMINSUBHOST%%", host); f:close(); if not data then return response_403; end local ext = path:match("%.([^.]*)$"); local mime = mime_map[ext]; -- Content-Type should be nil when not known return { headers = { ["Content-Type"] = mime; }; body = data; }; end local function handle_file_request(method, body, request) local path = preprocess_path(request.url.path); if not path then return response_400; end path_stripped = path:gsub("^/[^/]+", ""); -- Strip /admin/ return serve_file(path_stripped, path); end function module.load() local http_conf = config.get("*", "core", "webadmin_http_ports"); httpserver.new_from_config(http_conf, handle_file_request, { base = "admin" }); end prosody.events.add_handler("server-started", function () local host_session = prosody.hosts[host]; if not select(2, service:get_nodes(true))[xmlns_s2s_session] then local ok, errmsg = service:create(xmlns_s2s_session, true); if not ok then module:log("warn", "Could not create node " .. xmlns_s2s_session .. ": " .. tostring(errmsg)); else service:set_affiliation(xmlns_s2s_session, true, host, "owner") end end for remotehost, session in pairs(host_session.s2sout) do if session.type ~= "s2sout_unauthed" then add_host(session, "out"); end end for session in pairs(incoming_s2s) do if session.to_host == host then add_host(session, "in"); end end if not select(2, service:get_nodes(true))[xmlns_c2s_session] then local ok, errmsg = service:create(xmlns_c2s_session, true); if not ok then module:log("warn", "Could not create node " .. xmlns_c2s_session .. ": " .. tostring(errmsg)); else service:set_affiliation(xmlns_c2s_session, true, host, "owner") end end for username, user in pairs(host_session.sessions or {}) do for resource, session in pairs(user.sessions or {}) do add_client(session); end end end); function simple_broadcast(node, jids, item) item = st.clone(item); item.attr.xmlns = nil; -- Clear the pubsub namespace local message = st.message({ from = module.host, type = "headline" }) :tag("event", { xmlns = xmlns_adminsub .. "#event" }) :tag("items", { node = node }) :add_child(item); for jid in pairs(jids) do module:log("debug", "Sending notification to %s", jid); message.attr.to = jid; core_post_stanza(hosts[host], message); end end function get_affiliation(jid) local bare_jid = jid_bare(jid); if is_admin(bare_jid, host) then return "member"; else return "none"; end end module:hook("iq/host/http://prosody.im/adminsub:adminsub", function(event) local origin, stanza = event.origin, event.stanza; local adminsub = stanza.tags[1]; local action = adminsub.tags[1]; local reply; if action.name == "subscribe" then local ok, ret = service:add_subscription(action.attr.node, stanza.attr.from, stanza.attr.from); if ok then reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("adminsub", { xmlns = xmlns_adminsub }); else reply = st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", ret); end elseif action.name == "items" then local node = action.attr.node; local ok, ret = service:get_items(node, stanza.attr.from); if not ok then return origin.send(st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", ret)); end local data = st.stanza("items", { node = node }); for _, entry in pairs(ret) do data:add_child(entry); end if data then reply = st.reply(stanza) :tag("adminsub", { xmlns = xmlns_adminsub }) :add_child(data); else reply = st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "item-not-found"); end else reply = st.error_reply(stanza, "feature-not-implemented"); end return origin.send(reply); end); module:hook("resource-bind", function(event) add_client(event.session); end); module:hook("resource-unbind", function(event) del_client(event.session); service:remove_subscription(xmlns_c2s_session, host, event.session.full_jid); service:remove_subscription(xmlns_s2s_session, host, event.session.full_jid); end); module:hook("s2sout-established", function(event) add_host(event.session, "out"); end); module:hook("s2sin-established", function(event) add_host(event.session, "in"); end); module:hook("s2sout-destroyed", function(event) del_host(event.session, "out"); end); module:hook("s2sin-destroyed", function(event) del_host(event.session, "in"); end); service = pubsub.new({ broadcaster = simple_broadcast; normalize_jid = jid_bare; get_affiliation = get_affiliation; capabilities = { member = { create = false; publish = false; retract = false; get_nodes = true; subscribe = true; unsubscribe = true; get_subscription = true; get_subscriptions = true; get_items = true; subscribe_other = false; unsubscribe_other = false; get_subscription_other = false; get_subscriptions_other = false; be_subscribed = true; be_unsubscribed = true; set_affiliation = false; }; owner = { create = true; publish = true; retract = true; get_nodes = true; subscribe = true; unsubscribe = true; get_subscription = true; get_subscriptions = true; get_items = true; subscribe_other = true; unsubscribe_other = true; get_subscription_other = true; get_subscriptions_other = true; be_subscribed = true; be_unsubscribed = true; set_affiliation = true; }; }; });