local mt = require"util.multitable"; local datetime = require"util.datetime"; local jid_split = require"util.jid".split; local nodeprep = require"util.encodings".stringprep.nodeprep; local url = require"socket.url"; local os_time, os_date = os.time, os.date; local httplib = require "util.http"; local render_funcs = {}; local render = require"util.interpolation".new("%b{}", require"util.stanza".xml_escape, render_funcs); local archive = module:open_store("muc_log", "archive"); -- Prosody 0.11+ MUC API local mod_muc = module:depends"muc"; local each_room = mod_muc.each_room; local get_room_from_jid = mod_muc.get_room_from_jid; local function get_room(name) local jid = name .. '@' .. module.host; return get_room_from_jid(jid); end local use_oob = module:get_option_boolean(module.name .. "_show_images", false); local show_presence_by_default = module:get_option_boolean(module.name .. "_show_presence_by_default", true); module:depends"http"; local template; do local template_filename = module:get_option_string(module.name .. "_template", "res/" .. module.name .. ".html"); local template_file, err = module:load_resource(template_filename); if template_file then template, err = template_file:read("*a"); template_file:close(); end if not template then module:log("error", "Error loading template: %s", err); template = render("

mod_{module} could not read the template


Tried to open {filename}

", { module = module.name, filename = template_filename, error = err }); end end -- local base_url = module:http_url() .. '/'; -- TODO: Generate links in a smart way local get_link do local link, path = { path = '/' }, { "", "", is_directory = true }; function get_link(room, date) path[1], path[2] = room, date; path.is_directory = not date; link.path = url.build_path(path); return url.build(link); end end local function get_absolute_link(room, date) local link = url.parse(module:http_url()); local path = url.parse_path(link.path); if room then table.insert(path, room); if date then table.insert(path, date) path.is_directory = false; else path.is_directory = true; end end link.path = url.build_path(path) return url.build(link) end -- Whether room can be joined by anyone local function open_room(room) -- : boolean if type(room) == "string" then room = get_room(room); -- assumed to be a room object otherwise end if not room then return nil; end if (room.get_members_only or room.is_members_only)(room) then return false; end if room:get_password() then return false; end return true; end -- Can be set to "latest" local default_view = module:get_option_string(module.name .. "_default_view", nil); module:hook("muc-disco#info", function (event) local room = event.room; if open_room(room) then table.insert(event.form, { name = "muc#roominfo_logs", type="text-single" }); event.formdata["muc#roominfo_logs"] = get_absolute_link(jid_split(event.room.jid), default_view); end end); local function sort_Y(a,b) return a.year > b.year end local function sort_m(a,b) return a.n > b.n end -- Time zone hack? local t_diff = os_time(os_date("*t")) - os_time(os_date("!*t")); local function time(t) return os_time(t) + t_diff; end local function date_floor(t) return t - t % 86400; end -- Fetch one item local function find_once(room, query, retval) if query then query.limit = 1; else query = { limit = 1 }; end local iter, err = archive:find(room, query); if not iter then return iter, err; end if retval then return select(retval, iter()); end return iter(); end local lazy = module:get_option_boolean(module.name .. "_lazy_calendar", true); local presence_logged = module:get_option_boolean("muc_log_presences", false); local function hide_presence(request) if not presence_logged then return false; end if request.url.query then local data = httplib.formdecode(request.url.query); if data then return data.p == "h" end end return not show_presence_by_default; end local function get_dates(room) --> { integer, ... } local date_list = archive.dates and archive:dates(room); if date_list then for i = 1, #date_list do date_list[i] = datetime.parse(date_list[i].."T00:00:00Z"); end return date_list; end if lazy then -- Lazy with many false positives date_list = {}; local first_day = find_once(room, nil, 3); local last_day = find_once(room, { reverse = true }, 3); if first_day and last_day then first_day = date_floor(first_day); last_day = date_floor(last_day); for when = first_day, last_day, 86400 do table.insert(date_list, when); end else return; -- 404 end return date_list; end -- Collect date the hard way module:log("debug", "Find all dates with messages"); date_list = {}; local next_day; repeat local when = find_once(room, { start = next_day; }, 3); if not when then break; end table.insert(date_list, when); next_day = date_floor(when) + 86400; until not next_day; return date_list; end function render_funcs.calendarize(date_list) -- convert array of timestamps to a year / month / day tree local dates = mt.new(); for _, when in ipairs(date_list) do local t = os_date("!*t", when); dates:set(t.year, t.month, t.day, when); end -- Wrangle Y/m/d tree into year / month / week / day tree for calendar view local years = {}; for current_year, months_t in pairs(dates.data) do local t = { year = current_year, month = 1, day = 1 }; local months = { }; local year = { year = current_year, months = months }; years[#years+1] = year; for current_month, days_t in pairs(months_t) do t.day = 1; t.month = current_month; local tmp = os_date("!*t", time(t)); local days = {}; local week = { days = days } local weeks = { week }; local month = { year = year.year, month = os_date("!%B", time(t)), n = current_month, weeks = weeks }; months[#months+1] = month; local current_day = 1; for _=1, (tmp.wday+5)%7 do days[current_day], current_day = {}, current_day+1; end for i = 1, 31 do t.day = i; tmp = os_date("!*t", time(t)); if tmp.month ~= current_month then break end if i > 1 and tmp.wday == 2 then days = {}; weeks[#weeks+1] = { days = days }; current_day = 1; end days[current_day] = { wday = tmp.wday, day = i, href = days_t[i] and datetime.date(days_t[i]) }; current_day = current_day+1; end end table.sort(months, sort_m); end table.sort(years, sort_Y); return years; end -- Produce the calendar view local function years_page(event, path) local request, response = event.request, event.response; local room = nodeprep(path:match("^(.*)/$")); local is_open = open_room(room); if is_open == nil then return -- implicit 404 elseif is_open == false then return 403; end local date_list = get_dates(room); if not date_list then return; -- 404 end -- Phew, all wrangled, all that's left is rendering it with the template response.headers.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; local room_obj = get_room(room); return render(template, { room = room_obj._data; jid = room_obj.jid; jid_node = jid_split(room_obj.jid); hide_presence = hide_presence(request); presence_available = presence_logged; dates = date_list; links = { { href = "../", rel = "up", text = "Room list" }, { href = "latest", rel = "last", text = "Latest" }, }; }); end -- Produce the chat log view local function logs_page(event, path) local request, response = event.request, event.response; local room, date = path:match("^([^/]+)/([^/]*)/?$"); if not room then response.headers.location = url.build({ path = path .. "/" }); return 303; end room = nodeprep(room); if not room then return 400; elseif date == "" then return years_page(event, path); end local is_open = open_room(room); if is_open == nil then return -- implicit 404 elseif is_open == false then return 403; end if date == "latest" then local last_day = find_once(room, { reverse = true }, 3); response.headers.location = url.build({ path = datetime.date(last_day), query = request.url.query }); return 303; end local day_start = datetime.parse(date.."T00:00:00Z"); if not day_start then module:log("debug", "Invalid date format: %q", date); return 400; end local logs, i = {}, 1; local iter, err = archive:find(room, { ["start"] = day_start; ["end"] = day_start + 86399; ["with"] = hide_presence(request) and "message b.priority; end if a.description ~= nil and b.description == nil then return true; elseif a.description == nil and b.description ~= nil then return false; end return a.jid < b.jid; end); response.headers.content_type = "text/html; charset=utf-8"; return render(template, { title = module:get_option_string("name", "Prosody Chatrooms"); jid = module.host; hide_presence = hide_presence(request); presence_available = presence_logged; rooms = room_list; dates = {}; -- COMPAT util.interpolation {nil|func#...} bug }); end module:provides("http", { title = module:get_option_string("name", "Chatroom logs"); route = { ["GET /"] = list_rooms; ["GET /*"] = logs_page; -- mod_http only supports one wildcard so logs_page will dispatch to years_page if the path contains no date -- thus: -- GET /room --> years_page (via logs_page) -- GET /room/yyyy-mm-dd --> logs_page (for real) }; });