module:depends("http"); local st = require "util.stanza"; local json = require "util.json"; local hmac_sha1 = require "util.hashes".hmac_sha1; local pubsub_service = module:depends("pubsub").service; local node = module:get_option("github_node", "github"); local github_actor = module:get_option_string("github_actor") or true; local secret = module:get_option("github_secret"); local error_mapping = { ["forbidden"] = 403; ["item-not-found"] = 404; ["internal-server-error"] = 500; ["conflict"] = 409; }; function handle_POST(event) local request, response = event.request, event.response; if secret and ("sha1=" .. hmac_sha1(secret, request.body, true)) ~= request.headers.x_hub_signature then return 401; end local data = json.decode(request.body); if not data then response.status_code = 400; return "Invalid JSON. From you of all people..."; end local github_event = request.headers.x_github_event if github_event == "push" then module:log("debug", "Handling 'push' event: \n%s\n", tostring(request.body)); elseif github_event then module:log("debug", "Unsupported Github event %q", github_event); return 501; end -- else .. is this even github? for _, commit in ipairs(data.commits) do local ok, err = pubsub_service:publish(node, github_actor,, st.stanza("item", { id =, xmlns = "" }) :tag("entry", { xmlns = "" }) :tag("id"):text( :tag("title"):text(commit.message):up() :tag("link", { rel = "alternate", href = commit.url }):up() :tag("published"):text(commit.timestamp):up() :tag("author") :tag("name"):text( :tag("email"):text( :up() ); if not ok then return error_mapping[err] or 500; end end response.status_code = 202; return "Thank you Github!"; end module:provides("http", { route = { POST = handle_POST; }; }); function module.load() if not pubsub_service.nodes[node] then local ok, err = pubsub_service:create(node, true); if not ok then module:log("error", "Error creating node: %s", err); else module:log("debug", "Node %q created", node); end end end