module:set_global(); local array = require "util.array"; local set = require "util.set"; local it = require "util.iterators"; local config = require "core.configmanager"; local function host_not_global(host) return host ~= "*"; end local function host_is_enabled(host) return config.get(host, "enabled") ~= false; end function handle_reload() local new_config = config.getconfig(); local active_hosts =; local enabled_hosts =; local need_to_activate = enabled_hosts - active_hosts; local need_to_deactivate = active_hosts - enabled_hosts; module:log("debug", "Config reloaded... %d hosts need activating, and %d hosts need deactivating", it.count(need_to_activate), it.count(need_to_deactivate)); module:log("debug", "There are %d enabled and %d active hosts", it.count(enabled_hosts), it.count(active_hosts)); for host in need_to_deactivate do hostmanager.deactivate(host); end -- If the lazy loader is loaded, hosts will get activated when they are needed if not(getmetatable(prosody.hosts) and getmetatable(prosody.hosts).lazy_loader) then for host in need_to_activate do hostmanager.activate(host); end end end module:hook_global("config-reloaded", handle_reload);