#summary XEP-0313: Message Archive Management #labels Stage-Beta = Introduction = Implementation of [http://xmpp.org/extensions/xep-0313.html XEP-0313: Message Archive Management]. = Details = This module will archive all messages that match the simple rules setup by the user, and allow the user to access this archive. = Usage = First copy the module to the prosody plugins directory. Then add "mam" to your modules_enabled list: {{{ modules_enabled = { -- ... "mam", -- ... } }}} = Storage backend = mod_mam uses the store "archive2". See [https://prosody.im/doc/storage Prosodys data storage documentation] for information on how to configure storage. = Configuration = The MAM protocol includes a method of changing preferences regarding what messages should be stored. This allows users to enable or disable archiving by default, and set rules for specific contacts. This module will log no messages by default, for privacy concerns. If you decide to change this, you should inform your users. {{{ default_archive_policy = false -- other options are true or "roster"; }}} This controls what messages are archived if the user hasn't set a matching rule, or another personal default. * `false` means to store no messages. This is the default. * `"roster"` means to store messages to/from contacts in the users roster. * `true` means is to store all messages. {{{ max_archive_query_results = 20; }}} This is the largest number of messages that are allowed to be retrieved in one request. = Compatibility = || trunk || Works || || 0.10 || Works, requires a storage driver with archive support, eg mod_storage_sql2 in 0.10 || || 0.9 || Unsupported || || 0.8 || Does not work ||