local st = require "util.stanza"; local nodeprep = require "util.encodings".stringprep.nodeprep; local block_users = module:get_option_set("block_registrations_users", { "admin" }); local block_patterns = module:get_option_set("block_registrations_matching", {}); local require_pattern = module:get_option_string("block_registrations_require"); function is_blocked(username) -- Check if the username is simply blocked if block_users:contains(username) then return true; end for pattern in block_patterns do if username:find(pattern) then return true; end end -- Not blocked, but check that username matches allowed pattern if require_pattern and not username:match(require_pattern) then return true; end end module:hook("user-registering", function(event) local username = event.username; if is_blocked(username) then event.allowed = false; return true; end end, 10);