-- -- Prosody IM -- Copyright (C) 2010 Waqas Hussain -- Copyright (C) 2010 Jeff Mitchell -- Copyright (C) 2013 Mikael Nordfeldth -- Copyright (C) 2013 Matthew Wild, finally came to fix it all -- -- This project is MIT/X11 licensed. Please see the -- COPYING file in the source package for more information. -- local lpty = assert(require "lpty", "mod_auth_external requires lpty: https://code.google.com/p/prosody-modules/wiki/mod_auth_external#Installation"); local log = module._log; local host = module.host; local script_type = module:get_option_string("external_auth_protocol", "generic"); assert(script_type == "ejabberd" or script_type == "generic", "Config error: external_auth_protocol must be 'ejabberd' or 'generic'"); local command = module:get_option_string("external_auth_command", ""); local read_timeout = module:get_option_number("external_auth_timeout", 5); assert(not host:find(":"), "Invalid hostname"); local usermanager = require "core.usermanager"; local new_sasl = require "util.sasl".new; local pty = lpty.new({ throw_errors = false, no_local_echo = true, use_path = false }); function send_query(text) if not pty:hasproc() then local status, ret = pty:exitstatus(); if status and (status ~= "exit" or ret ~= 0) then log("warn", "Auth process exited unexpectedly with %s %d, restarting", status, ret or 0); return nil; end local ok, err = pty:startproc(command); if not ok then log("error", "Failed to start auth process '%s': %s", command, err); return nil; end log("debug", "Started auth process"); end pty:send(text); return pty:read(read_timeout); end function do_query(kind, username, password) if not username then return nil, "not-acceptable"; end local query = (password and "%s:%s:%s:%s" or "%s:%s:%s"):format(kind, username, host, password); local len = #query if len > 1000 then return nil, "policy-violation"; end if script_type == "ejabberd" then local lo = len % 256; local hi = (len - lo) / 256; query = string.char(hi, lo)..query; end if script_type == "generic" then query = query..'\n'; end local response = send_query(query); if (script_type == "ejabberd" and response == "\0\2\0\0") or (script_type == "generic" and response:gsub("\r?\n$", "") == "0") then return nil, "not-authorized"; elseif (script_type == "ejabberd" and response == "\0\2\0\1") or (script_type == "generic" and response:gsub("\r?\n$", "") == "1") then return true; else if response then log("warn", "Unable to interpret data from auth process, %s", (response:match("^error:") and response) or ("["..#response.." bytes]")); else log("warn", "Error while waiting for result from auth process: %s", response or "unknown error"); end return nil, "internal-server-error"; end end local host = module.host; local provider = {}; function provider.test_password(username, password) return do_query("auth", username, password); end function provider.set_password(username, password) return do_query("setpass", username, password); end function provider.user_exists(username) return do_query("isuser", username); end function provider.create_user(username, password) return nil, "Account creation/modification not available."; end function provider.get_sasl_handler() local testpass_authentication_profile = { plain_test = function(sasl, username, password, realm) return usermanager.test_password(username, realm, password), true; end, }; return new_sasl(host, testpass_authentication_profile); end module:provides("auth", provider);