local ssl = require"ssl"; local load_cert = ssl.x509 and ssl.x509.load or ssl.cert_from_pem; -- COMPAT mw/luasec-hg local st = require"util.stanza" if not load_cert then module:log("error", "This version of LuaSec (%s) does not support certificate checking", ssl._VERSION); return end local last_check = 0; local function check_certs_validity() local now = os.time(); if last_check > now - 21600 then return else last_check = now; end -- First, let's find out what certificate this host uses. local ssl_config = config.rawget(module.host, "core", "ssl"); if not ssl_config then local base_host = module.host:match("%.(.*)"); ssl_config = config.get(base_host, "core", "ssl"); end if ssl_config.certificate then local certfile = ssl_config.certificate; local cert; local fh = io.open(certfile); -- Load the file. cert = fh and fh:read"*a"; fh:close(); cert = cert and load_cert(cert); -- And parse if not cert then return end -- No error reporting, certmanager should complain already local valid_at = cert.valid_at or cert.validat; if not valid_at then return end -- Broken or uncommon LuaSec version? -- This might be wrong if the certificate has NotBefore in the future. -- However this is unlikely to happen with CA-issued certs in the wild. local notafter = cert.notafter and cert:notafter(); if not valid_at(cert, now) then module:log("error", "The certificate %s has expired", certfile); module:send(st.message({from=module.host,to=admin,type="chat"},("Certificate for host %s has expired!"):format(module.host))); elseif not valid_at(cert, now+86400*7) then module:log("warn", "The certificate %s will expire %s", certfile, notafter or "this week"); for _,admin in ipairs(module:get_option_array("admins", {})) do module:send(st.message({from=module.host,to=admin,type="chat"},("Certificate for host %s will expire %s!"):format(module.host, notafter or "this week"))); end elseif not valid_at(cert, now+86400*30) then module:log("warn", "The certificate %s will expire later this month", certfile); else module:log("info", "The certificate %s is valid until %s", certfile, notafter or "later"); end end end module:hook_global("config-reloaded", check_certs_validity); module:add_timer(1, function() check_certs_validity(); return math.random(14400, 86400); end);