local st = require "util.stanza"; local muc_util = module:require "muc/util"; local valid_roles = muc_util.valid_roles; -- Backported backwards compatibility map (Thanks MattJ) local compat_map = { everyone = "visitor"; participants = "participant"; moderators = "moderator"; members = "affiliated"; }; local function get_allow_pm(room) local val = room._data.allow_pm; return compat_map[val] or val or 'visitor'; end local function set_allow_pm(room, val) if get_allow_pm(room) == val then return false; end room._data.allow_pm = val; return true; end local function get_allow_modpm(room) return room._data.allow_modpm or false; end local function set_allow_modpm(room, val) if get_allow_modpm(room) == val then return false; end room._data.allow_modpm = val; return true; end module:hook("muc-config-form", function(event) local pmval = get_allow_pm(event.room); table.insert(event.form, { name = 'muc#allow_pm'; type = 'list-single'; label = 'Allow PMs from'; options = { { value = 'visitor', label = 'Everyone', default = pmval == 'visitor' }, { value = 'participant', label = 'Participants', default = pmval == 'participant' }, { value = 'affiliated', label = 'Members', default = pmval == 'affiliated' }, { value = 'moderator', label = 'Moderators', default = pmval == 'moderator' }, { value = 'none', label = 'No one', default = pmval == 'none' } } }); table.insert(event.form, { name = 'muc#allow_modpm'; type = 'boolean'; label = 'Allow PMs to moderators'; value = get_allow_modpm(event.room) }); end); module:hook("muc-config-submitted/muc#allow_pm", function(event) if set_allow_pm(event.room, event.value) then event.status_codes["104"] = true; end end); module:hook("muc-config-submitted/muc#allow_modpm", function(event) if set_allow_modpm(event.room, event.value) then event.status_codes["104"] = true; end end); module:hook("muc-private-message", function(event) local stanza, room = event.stanza, event.room; local from_occupant = room:get_occupant_by_nick(stanza.attr.from); local to_occupant = room:get_occupant_by_nick(stanza.attr.to); -- To self is always okay if to_occupant.bare_jid == from_occupant.bare_jid then return; end if get_allow_modpm(room) then if to_occupant and to_occupant.role == 'moderator' or from_occupant and from_occupant.role == "moderator" then return; -- Allow to/from moderators end end local pmval = get_allow_pm(room); -- Backported improved handling (Thanks MattJ) if pmval ~= "none" then if pmval == "affiliated" and room:get_affiliation(from_occupant.bare_jid) then return; -- Allow from affiliated users elseif valid_roles[from_occupant.role] >= valid_roles[pmval] then return; -- Allow from a permitted role end end room:route_to_occupant( from_occupant, st.error_reply(stanza, "cancel", "policy-violation", "Private messages are restricted", room.jid) ); return false; end, 1);