local jid = require "util.jid"; local st = require "util.stanza"; local datetime = require "util.datetime"; local jid_resource = require "util.jid".resource; local notify_unaffiliated_users = module:get_option("muc_mmn_notify_unaffiliated_users", false) local muc_affiliation_store = module:open_store("config", "map"); local mmn_xmlns = "urn:xmpp:mmn:0"; local reference_xmlns = "urn:xmpp:reference:0"; local forwarded_xmlns = "urn:xmpp:forward:0"; local deplay_xmlns = "urn:xmpp:delay"; module:log("debug", "**************************************") module:log("debug", "**************************************") module:log("debug", "**************************************") module:log("debug", "**************************************") module:log("debug", "**************************************") module:log("debug", "**************************************") module:log("debug", "**************************************") module:log("debug", "**************************************") module:log("debug", "**************************************") module:log("debug", "**************************************") module:log("debug", "**************************************") -- Returns a set of rooms the user is affiliated to local function get_user_rooms(user_bare_jid) return muc_affiliation_store:get_all(user_bare_jid); end local function is_eligible(user_bare_jid, room) if notify_unaffiliated_users then return true; end local user_rooms, err = get_user_rooms(user_bare_jid); if not user_rooms then if err then return false, err; end return false; end local room_node = jid.node(room.jid) if user_rooms[room_node] then return true; end return false end -- Send a single notification for a room, updating data structures as needed local function send_single_notification(user_bare_jid, room_jid, mention_stanza) local notification = st.message({ to = user_bare_jid, from = module.host }) :tag("mentions", { xmlns = mmn_xmlns }) :tag("forwarded", {xmlns = forwarded_xmlns}) :tag("delay", {xmlns = deplay_xmlns, stamp = datetime.datetime()}):up() :add_child(mention_stanza) :reset(); module:log("debug", "Sending mention notification from %s to %s", room_jid, user_bare_jid); return module:send(notification); end local function notify_mentioned_users(room, client_mentions, mention_stanza) module:log("debug", "NOTIFYING FOR %s", room.jid) for mentioned_jid in pairs(client_mentions) do local user_bare_jid = mentioned_jid; if (string.match(mentioned_jid, room.jid)) then local nick = jid_resource(mentioned_jid); user_bare_jid = room:get_registered_jid(nick); end if is_eligible(user_bare_jid, room) then send_single_notification(user_bare_jid, room.jid, mention_stanza); end end end local function get_mentions(stanza) local has_mentions = false local client_mentions = {} for element in stanza:childtags("reference", reference_xmlns) do if element.attr.type == "mention" then local user_bare_jid = element.attr.uri:match("^xmpp:(.+)$"); if user_bare_jid then client_mentions[user_bare_jid] = user_bare_jid; has_mentions = true end end end return has_mentions, client_mentions end if rawget(_G, "setfenv") == nil then rawset(_G, "setfenv", false) end if rawget(_G, "getfenv") == nil then rawset(_G, "getfenv", false) end module:hook("muc-broadcast-message", function (event) require("mobdebug").start() local room, stanza = event.room, event.stanza; local body = stanza:get_child_text("body") if not body or #body < 1 then return; end local correction = stanza:get_child("replace", "urn:xmpp:message-correct:0"); if correction then return; end -- Do not notify on message corrections local has_mentions, client_mentions = get_mentions(stanza) if not has_mentions then return; end -- Notify any users that need to be notified notify_mentioned_users(room, client_mentions, stanza); end, -1);