local add_filter = require "util.filters".add_filter; local add_task = require "util.timer".add_task; local buffer_seconds = module:get_option_number("flush_presence_seconds"); local function throttle_session(data) local session = data.session; local buffer, flushing = {}, false; local timer_active = false; local function flush_buffer() module:log("debug", "Flushing buffer for %s", session.full_jid); flushing = true; for jid, presence in pairs(buffer) do session.send(presence); end flushing = false; end local function throttle_presence(stanza) if stanza.name ~= "presence" or (stanza.attr.type and stanza.attr.type ~= "unavailable") then module:log("debug", "Non-presence stanza for %s: %s", session.full_jid, tostring(stanza)); flush_buffer(); elseif not flushing then module:log("debug", "Buffering presence stanza from %s to %s", stanza.attr.from, session.full_jid); buffer[stanza.attr.from] = stanza; if not timer_active and buffer_seconds then timer_active = true; add_task(buffer_seconds, flush_buffer); end return nil; -- Drop this stanza (we've stored it for later) end return stanza; end add_filter(session, "stanzas/out", throttle_presence); end module:hook("resource-bind", throttle_session);