local stanza = require"util.stanza".stanza; local tostring, tonumber = tostring, tonumber; local type = type; local pairs = pairs; local xmlns_rsm = 'http://jabber.org/protocol/rsm'; local element_parsers; do local function xs_int(st) return tonumber((st:get_text())); end local function xs_string(st) return st:get_text(); end element_parsers = { after = xs_string; before = function(st) local text = st:get_text(); return text == "" or text; end; max = xs_int; index = xs_int; first = function(st) return { index = tonumber(st.attr.index); st:get_text() }; end; last = xs_string; count = xs_int; } end local element_generators = setmetatable({ first = function(st, data) if type(data) == "table" then st:tag("first", { index = data.index }):text(data[1]):up(); else st:tag("first"):text(tostring(data)):up(); end end; before = function(st, data) if data == true then st:tag("before"):up(); else st:tag("before"):text(tostring(data)):up(); end end }, { __index = function(_, name) return function(st, data) st:tag(name):text(tostring(data)):up(); end end; }); local function parse(stanza) local rs = {}; for tag in stanza:childtags() do local name = tag.name; local parser = name and element_parsers[name]; if parser then rs[name] = parser(tag); end end return rs; end local function generate(t) local st = stanza("set", { xmlns = xmlns_rsm }); for k,v in pairs(t) do if element_parsers[k] then element_generators[k](st, v); end end return st; end local function get(st) local set = st:get_child("set", xmlns_rsm); if set and #set.tags > 0 then return parse(set); end end return { parse = parse, generate = generate, get = get };